All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Thursday, May 12, 2011

A Second Addition

JuJu's hyperness was about to drive us crazy, and it was mainly due to us being gone all day cause of our jobs. We felt bad about leaving her alone all day, so we thought getting her a companion would be a good idea. JuJu was an amazing puppy! I had bought her potty pads and set up 2 pens, one for her bathroom and food and one for her to sleep while we were gone. She would go into the other pen and use the pads but when I got home, she would be out of the pen. I caught her climbing out of it. The amazing thing is she wouldn't potty on the floor or tear things up while she was out. After this happened a couple of times, I just decided to leave her out and never had a problem.
When we decided to get Sammy aka. Bam Bam, we were scammed! A lady ran an ad in the paper saying she had a Shi poo, we went to get him and she was literally pushing him on us. I felt bad because she wasn't sad or anything to get rid of him. Well this cute little furball was/is a hand full!! He is not a shi poo, he is jack russell mix. Trying to train him was a nightmare! He would sometimes get on the couch and poop, peed in the bed sooo many times, and if I put him in his pen he would get so upset he would throw-up! Matt said if boys are anything like boy dogs, he doesn't know if he can handle it! He has calmed down some, but still has his moments. He is definitely a chewer and has tore up many things. JuJu has become mischievous as well, but she leads him into it and he gets the punishment from Matt. JuJu is his little angel, and she can't do anything wrong! I think after having Sammy we are definitely ready for!
However, our sole purpose for getting him was accomplished. Him and JuJu are great friends and they do well together when we are at work!

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