All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Thursday, May 12, 2011

" I Don't Want No Stinkin' Havanese"

Our happy family!

Yeah, he didn't want a havanese...You couldn't tear her away from him, he loves her soooo much!

For quite awhile I was wanting to get a puppy and I had my heart set on a Havanese. They are just getting popular in the US...from Havana, Cuba. I did my research on them and thought it would be a great dog for us. Matt was totally against it, mainly because they cost $800 and he was not going to pay that for a dog and he liked labs. Matt's lab, Buddy, had just disappeared and a couple months earlier, his other lab, Sadie had disappeared as well. We think a pack of coyotes got them, since they liked to run off. Anyway, I thought it was good timing. After we got back from Texas, I noticed one of the puppies price had been cut to $400. She was a cute puppy, so I thought I would go check her out. The place was in Lebanon, so I was glad it was close. It was love at 1st sight!
When they let her down she immediately looked up at me and came over to me and sat under my legs looking up at me. Then she followed me around. I couldn't leave without her and the whole way home she just kept looking at me with these big, puppy eyes! Matt had called wanting to know where I was and I told him that I was in Lebanon dealing with my wedding gown, he had no clue! When I brought her home, he was on the couch and I got in the floor with her and I had named her LuLu.....I started patting my lap saying come here LuLu. Matt had no clue what I was doing, and then he said" A PUPPY!!!!!!" Immediately he went into the floor, playing with her calling her JuJu. He didn't like LuLu so the name stuck and now she is our beloved JuJu that has such a personality. I constantly remind Matt, when he is snuggling with her that he said, " I don't want no stinkin' Havanese!"

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