All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Our First Vacation

Matt and Charlie in their farming hats, lol.
Matt enjoying the ocean!

The rainbow bridge, one of the tallest bridges in the world. I used to get a kick going over it when I was little, on our way to Galveston.

June of 2010, we decided to take a trip to Beaumont, Texas with my parents and visit my old stomping grounds. Earlier in April, we were engaged so I thought he needed to meet my family before we got married. We first went to Hot Springs for some great BBQ at St. Clouds BBQ....I think that is the

We wanted to go to the beach, and Sea Rim is where we used to go almost every weekend when I lived there. It was about 30 minutes away. The sad thing is that it was completely demolished in Hurricane Rita. It is a state park that had a huge building on it, that is no longer there. I have tons of memories there, and now to see it gone, was literally a tear jerker. Matt hadn't been to the ocean in a long time and I had forgotten how warm the water used to be. After Sea Rim we went to Galveston for awhile and ate some great seafood at the Fisherman's Wharf:-)

This trip was an eye opener for Matt when he said the words " I think we really are meant to be together, that it is fate." He said that after he met my uncle and realized his uncle and my uncle were a lot alike, both the mountain man, blacksmith type. I couldn't believe he said that!

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