All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Friday, December 14, 2012

Welcoming Andi Faye

Andi Faye Maness entered the world December 7, 2012 at 8:52 am. She weighed 6.14 and 19.5 inches long. We were instantly in love and shocked by how petite, small, and how much hair she has!! I guess all my heartburn and calcium intake helped. Labor went really well, more so than we expected. However, how it started was interesting. 

Before I start, I will share something I call a divine intervention. I never use the calendar on my phone and I was going through it at work and saw the 6th highlighted. I opened it and it said I had an event starting on the 6th at 5:30. I don't know how it got there. I noticed this on the 2nd.

I was originally due on the 11th and the dr. moved it up to the 4th. Well on the 5th I started having really close contractions to the point my parents took me to the hospital. We were sent home though. The nurse said I was dilated 1cm and effaced but my contractions weren't intense enough. She said I would probably have her in 2 days. The next morning, the 6th, I woke to a bloody show and had my weekly appointment. I told the dr. what the nurse said and he said she was wrong. I wasn't dilated or effaced and the baby wasn't coming anytime soon. They scheduled me to be induced for the 18th. I literally wanted to cry because I knew I couldn't make it that long. Later that afternoon I started leaking blood and called labor and delivery asking if it was normal to be lasting all day. They said yes and to not come in. When 5:30 rolled around I started having very painful contractions about 2 minutes apart. I told Matt to go to bed, I was going to stay up awhile. I used a heating pad and it wasn't helping. Around 11, I took a bath and blood clots were coming out. I was in tears because of the pain. I knew something wasn't right. I stayed on the couch for another hour and my contractions were a minute apart. The worse back labor EVER!!! I finally got up and barely said Matt's name and he was up. The poor dogs stayed by my side. They had this concerned look on their faces. 

We got to the hospital at 12am and the nurse checked me and said she thought she felt hair. I went from 1cm-3cm in 30 minutes. The back labor was horrible. I was falling asleep between contractions because they were draining me sooo bad. The dr. on call said he thought I was dehydrated and was more than likely going to send me home. He had me drink 8 glasses of water. I WAS NOT going home. They had a 2nd nurse check me and she said she could feel hair and that my bag of waters was not there. My contractions were a minute apart lasting 30 seconds. She made the decision to admit me at 1am....hallejuah! I know I wanted to go all natural but I couldn't handle the back labor so I got the epidural and it was the BEST DECISION EVER!!! The dr. got it in the right spot. I was still able to move my legs and I had some feeling. I was scared I was going to be paralyzed from the waist down.

Matt is excited and happy labor is going really well

I started dilating a cm an hr and at 7:30 we were ready to start pushing. We both had to ask the nurse again what she said because we couldn't believe it was time!! This is the part that I got worried about Matt and he AMAZED me!!! He was actually watching everything going on and the nurse told me I had to stop because I would have the baby before the dr. got there. Well guess dr. was not there. The nurse said he usually clocks in at 7am and they called him and said he wouldn't be in until 9. Wendy Johnson delivered Andi at 8:52 and she was great!!! 30 minutes of pushing and Andi was there. They asked Matt if he wanted to cut the ambilical cord and he said" oh yeah." He really did well and apparently he was amazed with me too!!! Overall, I spent 7 hrs in labor at home and 7 hrs at the hospital. 

We have had a lot of help from our family which has been great. Our house is always full of guests now helping us which we are truly grateful!!!! Things are started to fall into routine which is nice. It was a little overwhelming at first, but over all she is a really good baby. I can't help but tear up when I look at her because she is so small, precious and angelic. She was a gift from GOD and we truly feel blessed to have her in our lives!!!

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