All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Andi's 1st X-Mas and the Meaning of Patience

First of all, we will start with Christmas! We all got the best X-mas present this year, Andi!!! Even though she really didn't take much part in it, we are looking forward to the years to come:-) 

Aunt Christie and Cassie got her a X-mas onezie
We celebrated 3 christmas and Charlie finally got enough courage to hold her!
She spends a lot of time being held which of course is spoiling her!
I knew when we had her, that it would slow me down. However, I had no idea it would take SO much extra time to get things done. Trying to get around to go somewhere takes FOREVER!!! Pumping slows things down too. At first it was really overwhelming, but now I am slowly getting better. I understand now why when you see a lot of mothers with newborns that look all frazzled...that would be me. Most of the time I smell like soured milk and my hair has knots in it. I seem to walk in a memory is not what it used to be. Now I am on a 2-3 hour schedule and my mind only thinks of when she last ate, how much she ate, and when her last diaper change was and what it was. Welcome to motherhood!!!

 As for developmental milestones, she holds her head up really well. She is a month ahead in her movements.

2 weeks ago she weighed 6.9
As of Thursday she was 8.1
She has grown half 20 inches
Her head grew an inch too!
She is gaining 1.5 oz/day!!

Overall, she is a good baby. She is awesome during the day!!! She lets us know immediately when she has a wet/dirty diaper and when she is getting hungry but sleeps great! However, when it gets close to 9p she starts to get really fussy and doesn't want to sleep. There is nothing wrong with her, she just wants to cry. I use to look forward to night time because I knew I was going to get to sleep and now I dread it because I know I am not going to get much rest. My new bed is on the couch. Mainly because she keeps Matt awake, which he has to get up really early for work. She is afraid of the dark. Every time we turn the lights out she screams. She has to have some kind of light on so she can see. We started keeping her awake after 7 hoping she would fall asleep around 10 which backfired. The other night she stayed awake from 7 until 12:30a. The night that really tested our patience was when she was awake from 9p to 3:30a. Poor Matt only got 2 hrs sleep before having to go to work, and he was not a happy camper! That was the night I officially moved to the couch. She gets in a mood where she doesn't want to lay down, be against you, or be in her swing. She has to sit up, be bounced, and look around. This is hard to do when you are falling asleep. For some reason she won't sleep in her bassinet at night either. This is what night time looks like before bed:

 This is how we sleep:

Kudos to the single moms out there because I can't see how they survive without help. How they can even function. Matt has helped a lot!! Mainly with the house cleaning but still that is help and we have gotten A LOT of help from our family. Even all the help, and I still get exhausted!!

Last night Matt and I were able to have a date night. She spent the night with my parents and of course she acted well for them during the night. I was looking forward to non interrupted sleep but that didn't happen because I kept waking up. My parents really enjoyed keeping her and learning what all her sounds and movements mean. I was hoping she would stay awake for 6hrs in the middle of the night like she does with us, but no that didn't happen. She actually slept in her bassinet at night. 

 We never really knew the meaning of patience until now. But the little moments, like her gassy smiles, that makes it all worth while!!

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