All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Monday, January 7, 2013

Andi Faye is 1 Month

Time has passed quickly. I will be heading back to work in 4 weeks. I don't know if I will be ready. It is hard to believe she is already a month old. She is growing like a weed, already over 9 lbs! The older she gets, the more she looks like me as a baby. The only thing she has of Matt's is the Maness nose and hair color. We still can't get over how big her hands and how long her fingers are. She has already outgrown newborns in the length and foot part. She has outgrown newborn shoes as well. 

Yesterday we had pictures made by Michelle, Matt's step-mom. We are excited to see them when they are finished. Of course I dressed her up in all the frills and she was adorable!!! She didn't like it much. We had to console her with her paci and pull it out quick to get a pic. We also had some family ones taken as well. I'm not liking my hair very much right now. It has gotten really long and I usually just wear it up. Andi has gotten a hold of it and it is fight to get her to let go. I don't know how much longer I am going to have 

The funniest thing she does is giggle in her sleep. She will have a big smile and just laugh. She has started cooing some and definitely locks eyes for a long time. We have gotten a better night routine down, thank goodness!!! She finally got big enough where we could use an actual swaddler on her and that knocks her out. I always feel like I am putting her in a straight jacket. She doesn't like it at first and it is difficult keeping her hands down but once she is a burrito she is fine.That is the only way we can get her to sleep in her bassinet. Sometimes we have to start out in the swing. She has been going to bed between 10-11p and has been sleeping until 3a. At night I have started feeding her rice and formula because it keeps her satisfied longer.

She likes to sleep like this in her swing
Poor Sam hasn't gotten use to her crying yet. She will let out blood curdling screams when her diaper is wet. Mainly because we are fighting diaper rash. The bassinet is at the end of the bed and that is where Sam sleeps. She will be screaming when I change her and Sam starts choking and just looking at me with a "help me" look. Sometimes when we sleep on the couch, she will be in her swing and Sam will be lying on the edge by it. When she screams he will fall off the couch. He has been quite amusing. He and JuJu have been great though. They always have to check on her and make sure she is ok.

I have to share a funny incident. One morning I was feeding her and she was grunting, filling her diaper. It went on for about 5 minutes and she stopped so I thought it was safe to change her.  While I was changing her I noticed her butt hole was open and puckering. I thought that was weird because it had never done that before. I immediately thought of the scene in the movie Change-Up with the twins and as soon as I thought of it, it was too late. She shot poop like a water hose. It went up and landed on the dresser and continued down. Of course the drawers were open because I never close mine all the way and it went in all three drawers and into the open door in the middle of the dresser. So a lot of my clothes got hit. I ended up getting sprayed with it and poor Sam was standing beneath me. My reaction time was a little slow because I was half asleep and later that day I was finding dried poop on my feet and in Sam's hair. She definitely keeps us entertained and we can't wait for her to be older because it is just going to get even better!!

Next month she will be getting her shots, which I am not looking forward too. I had to change pediatricians because the one she was seeing doesn't accept Matt's insurance. He was really good, and I liked him a lot. The new has high recommendations, so hopefully she is good too! 

Until next time.....


  1. Hello charlie. Glad to see your enjoying motherhood.i can help you with the hair when your ready and also some tips for the diaper rash..have you tried changing brands of diapers? Some diapers can irritate them.also use a rash cream that has at least 40 percent zinc oxide in will have to look on the ingredients for this.use the cream and corn starch and it should be better within the day.glad you all are doing well you can always call if you have questions or need ya girl.sharon leigh

  2. Hello charlie. Glad to see your enjoying motherhood.i can help you with the hair when your ready and also some tips for the diaper rash..have you tried changing brands of diapers? Some diapers can irritate them.also use a rash cream that has at least 40 percent zinc oxide in will have to look on the ingredients for this.use the cream and corn starch and it should be better within the day.glad you all are doing well you can always call if you have questions or need ya girl.sharon leigh
