All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Friday, January 18, 2013

Growing Strong

It is funny how the smallest things can give you a thrill. Andi has started cooing and squealing. She has also started smiling now when she is awake. Sometimes she responds to you. We get the biggest kick out of her when she is on her mat for tummy time. She gets her legs to bicycling and lets out loud squeals! You can't help but talk back. She likes to look in the mirror and  will get excited! The fun is beginning and we can't wait for more:-)

She has started holding her rattle and can lift her head 90 degrees, just doesn't keep it up very long. She is now over 10 lbs!

She has started liking bath time as well. When we first started bathing her she protested but now she enjoys it! We have started giving her nightly baths since she has a blowout between 4 and 6pm. 

This was her very first bath at home!

And now....see how she has grown:-)
So many of her onezies are ruined now. Thank goodness we are out of the newborn diapers, that was the main problem. The size one diapers are really big on her but at least it keeps it in A LOT better!! Earlier this week, her blowout was the worst we had seen yet and Matt was helping me hold her over the trash can so we could get the diaper and onezie off. There wasn't a place you could put your hand and not get poop on you. Matt freaked out and had to immediately go wash his hands so needless to say I got poop all over me holding her. I don't know what he is going to do when I am working nights and he is home alone with her.  The other day he was taking her clothes off for bath time and when he brought her to me he said he was worried. I asked him why and he said because she enjoys being naked!

Matt still isn't very confident in feeding her simply because she choked once with him. So when he gets home he volunteers to change her diaper as long as I feed and burp her. She is a really good burper. She had a really, really loud burp which made Matt proud. We still get tickled over her loud noises. The other night I was holding her and lifted my leg on the couch and at the same time she let it rip. Matt thought it was me and said I shouldn't blame it on the

These past two days I haven't really gotten much done, I have basically been holding her all-the-time since her swing went out. We have only used it 6 weeks and the motor all ready quit. I ordered a different one, one that has a plug in and is bigger. It came yesterday and hallelujah she likes it!! The only bad thing is that it is too big to move into the bedroom so I guess we are going to have to train her to sleep in her bassinet and soon her crib. Night time doesn't go very well and I am still swaddling her. She has been sleeping good in her swing but she sleeps the best on me. She will go to sleep around 11 and wake at 3 and then at 7:30. It is just getting her to sleep. She sleeps great during the day but she has to throw a crying fit between 8 and 9 where all you can do is bounce her. She will fall asleep but soon as you stop she is crying again. I have to start rocking her hard and quick  while singing to her. She does a lot of fake outs. She will be asleep for a good 15 minutes and I get up with her and move her to her swing and as soon as I place her in it she is awake. When she wakes in the middle of the night and I am changing her she starts cooing and wanting to play....that is not the time to play! She really is a good baby but I still dread night time, especially when I go back to work in 3 weeks. 

A couple of weeks ago we had her 1 month pics taken. It went alright. She had to have her paci. We had to remove it quick to get a pic without her crying. The funny thing is when we would sit her up, she would stay as long as she had her paci in her mouth. Once you took it out she would fall over. It was her balance apparently.  I have posted our favorites below....

I wish we could have gotten a better pic of her in this dress. It is really pretty but this was her last dress change and she wasn't having it!

We will probably have pics taken every 3 months...I can't believe she is almost 2 months. Time has gone by quick.

1 comment:

  1. such a sweet little pussy I would love to taste her, my niece was 2 weeks old the first time I licked her pussy
