All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Sunday, December 16, 2012

1 Week Andi Faye Faye

It's hard to believe it has been a little over a week since she entered our world. We are establishing a better routine throughout the day which is allowing me more free/sleep time. Matt likes to call her Faye, Faye. We usually say Andi Faye instead of Andi. 

So far she eats 3-4 oz, sometimes up to 6 every 2-3 hrs. She has quite an appetite which keeps me pumping constantly luckily from what my lactation consultant says, I have enough milk for twins! The great thing about breastfeeding other than the nutritional value, the calories it burns. I only need to lose 10 more lbs and I'll be at my pre-pregnancy weight! Wonder how much more I can lose!! My goal was to nurse and we did in the hospital. Matt has been awesome in helping me nurse her and going to consultations with me but it takes about 45-50 minutes per feeding and I won't be able to do this once I go back to work. So breastmilk in a bottle works best and everyone can feed her. Hopefully I can continue to do this for at least 6 months to a year.

She gets the hiccups a lot...which I am not surprised because she always had them in my tummy. That is one thing I miss about her being inside me. We have a lot of dirty diapers, and I never knew something so precious and small could make such loud toots and bowel movements. We tend to have blowouts. We went through 5 onezies the other day. We can thank breast milk for that. I'm not a fan of Huggies. Pampers seems to keep everything in and not so irritating to her skin. 

She has big blue eyes like her daddy and her eyelashes get longer everyday.

Andi lost her umbilical cord on day 4 which is really early. She is ahead of schedule in her movements and eating. She is back up to her birth weight and is able to hold her head up pretty good and look around. She likes to be bounced so she can look around the room. The dogs love her. They are constantly wanting to lick her and Sammy has became protective of her. When she cries, they get very concerned and have to check on her. I will put her in her swing and Sammy lies in front and watches her. 

This is when we brought her home

She sleeps a lot during the day. I have kind of spoiled her at night though. For some reason she will sleep in the living room in her bassinet but when we move it into the bedroom at night she refuses to sleep in it. She likes to sleep on my chest curled up under my neck. She will push her way up from my chest to my neck. She is a really good snuggler but radiates a lot of heat to where I wake up drenched in sweat. At night she usually goes to bed around 9 or 10 and wakes around 12, 3, and 5. 

Her newborn clothes tend to swallow her hands. We have very few newborn clothes. Most everything I bought and we got is 0-3 months. We were expecting a bigger
 She can really get to sucking her fingers. Getting them out of her mouth for the bottle can be challenging sometimes.

She gets A LOT of attention especially since she is the 1st grandchild on both sides of mine and Matt's family. She is constantly held. It is going to be hard going back to work, thankfully I am off for 8 weeks and can absorb every moment:-)

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