All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Friday, September 27, 2013

We Have a Walker!


Over the past two weeks Andi has started walking. Each day she gets more confident and goes further. She is up to walking the length of some rooms now. It is amazing watching her progress and how excited she gets!

The weather has been nice, fall temperatures which makes the outdoors more enjoyable. The pic below is priceless. She isn't too crazy about walking on the grass! However, she will play with it.

I couldn't get her to take very many steps outside, but that night I got it on video!
Now we are going to go back to when it was first beginning. She started standing alone a little before she was 9 months. The funny thing is she always had to have something in her hands to balance her like a coaster, Matt's house shoe, remote, or sippy cup.

She was starting to get brave going from the coffee table to the couch and vice versa.

She still loves to look outside and bang on the door. She also likes to press her face against the glass and stick her tongue out. The bank got to enjoy her doing this when I had to take care of some business. A room full of glass walls kept her and the people in the bank entertained!
I don't know why, but I think she looks like my mom in this pic.

 We still have our most common outing: Wal-mart. She still acts well, we haven't had a melt down yet. As long as she has her paci, we are good!

I have mentioned before she loves to waller. Here's a camera roll:

We are getting her accustomed to shoes. At first she didn't know what to think but now she is a little better at wearing them. Keeping them on and socks is a challenge though.

 Watching daddy shave.

 I can't believe how fast she is growing. She is entering toddlerhood and it is getting crazy!

She gets into things at 90 mile an hour now. She has gotten her hand slapped several times because she likes to get a hold of things she shouldn't. She likes to help unload the dishwasher, mainly the utensils that gets her hand slapped and laundry baskets. She likes to get in drawers and take things out and throw her food. She is a constant mess I say no a lot these days and the more stern I am, the more we have a tantrum. Little miss is definitely not lacking in the personality department.

She has started pointing at our family picture on the wall and going ooh, ooh. She has also gotten really vocal, meaning loud. She has also started clicking her tongue a lot. She has also started trying to kiss the dogs. She will lean over with her mouth open, eyes closed toward their noses. JuJu gets up and leaves, Sam gives her a big kiss. Her and Sam have become quite the pals. He is constantly licking her and will chew up her pacifiers. I think that might be a way to break her from them by saying the dog ate them.

As for her sleep habits. Each night is different, never is she consistent. One night she will not make a peep and the next she is up and down. I never know what to expect. Next week she has her 9 month check-up and we are excited to see how much she has changed since her 6 month exam!

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