All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Andi: 9 Months and a Cold

Well she lasted nine months before getting her first cold, thanks to me! I came down with whatever is going around, head/chest cold. My worst days where I was running a fever, I was off so I had Andi all day. I tried not to breath on her but she ended up catching it. This was about 2 weeks ago. She is getting over her cold but the runny nose has been a nightmare! She hates to have her face wiped and the poor girl's nose was stopped up a lot or she would be blowing snot bubbles. I bought nasal spray for her and Matt would have to hold her in a head lock so I could get it up her nose! What a fit she would throw! The bulb syringes are worthless! I hate them! They do not work well at all, especially with a squirmy baby!

Even though she had her cold and fever, she still was a happy baby most the time. She tends to take things well, however she has started throwing more fits. I think it might just be her age. One minute she will want you to hold her and don't dare put her down, then she wants down and don't dare pick her up. She will scream sitting in the floor and turn bright red, holding her breath. Last night I made her mad because I told her no when she wanted to get the remote and she started screaming at me. She is a very strong-willed little girl. She will throw things when she is having a fit. Matt and I got a kick out of it because he would give her blocks and she would throw them as fast as he gave them to her while she screamed.

The newest thing she does is walk with her musical toy, pushing it. She will just take off with it and gets so excited!
She is standing alone a lot now, especially when she has things in her hands. Then she realizes she isn't holding onto anything then slowly squats down. She cruises a lot now too from couch to coffee table to sofa table. 
She does this grunt thing and goes oooh, oooh and flares her nostrils when she does it. The picture shows the face she makes when she does it. She does it a lot. It is her way of talking or get your attention.
Trying to get a picture of her not blurry because she is moving, constantly is very difficult!
The cutest thing that Matt and her do is have a nightly game they play. He will get on all fours and act like a bear and come after her. She will crawl as fast as she can, usually to me squealing! Then she will bury her head in my leg. Then he will hide behind the door and pop out at her and she will scream and get excited! I have tried to video tape it but Matt says I am ruining the moment which really means, he doesn't want to be on video acting silly!
The things she likes to play with the most is the remote, Matt's house shoes, the coasters, and her piano. 

Of course everything goes into the mouth several times. She likes the dishwasher and fridge too. She will try to crawl on top of the lid of the dishwasher and she will take the bottles out of the door in the fridge. Usually when I am cooking, she likes to be standing by me, so I open the fridge and let her play with the bottles. It usually entertains her long enough for me to get stuff cooked.
She absolutely loves bath time. When she hears the water running or even the shower come on, she is immediately in there all excited bouncing. 
When ever we eat in the living room, this is how it looks. Andi and the dogs like to pester for food. She really is as bad as the dogs, lol. She LOVES, LOVES manicotti. I make it with spinach and she eats so much of it. She really eats anything we eat.

One of the funniest things she does is dance. She has just started doing this whenever I sing to her. I will do a little dance and she will start bobbing her head and waving her arms up and down, bouncing. She is definitely a ham!

She still hasn't any teeth. What is frustrating is you can see them through her gums! I hope she has some by the time she is 1, which isn't far away.

A lot of times I feel guilty because I work so much and such random hours that I don't get to spend a lot of time with her. I am thankful though that the family is able to keep her. I just feel like I miss out on a lot, sometimes. Hopefully I can cut back hours once I get my debt paid off. My goal is the end of next year!

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