All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

10 Months: Walking, Falling, Bumps, and Skipped Heartbeats

10 Months started off with a bang with our little walker. She is everywhere and into EVERYTHING! The scariest thing is her falling all the time. The poor girl is so clumsy because she doesn't watch where she is going, which is expected since she is only 10 months. I feel so bad for her poor head because she constantly hits it. I am constantly hearing her yell or cry out mad because she falls, stubs her toe, trips over her feet, etc. She gasps a lot when she falls. She tries to run, which ends in falling. When she is getting tired she gets really clumsy and she speeds up. It is harder to put her to sleep now as well because she wants to go, go, go! I was very happy when she started walking but I had no idea how nerve-wracking it would be for me with all her falls. 

In the video below her feet look broken. The onezie is too big and her feet are outside of the footed end which makes her look pigeon toed. 

My heart skipped a few beats the other night when she fell off the bed. I was lying right by her and she was doing her wallering. All of a sudden she fell off backwards. I grabbed her by her leg but her pajamas were too slick and she went down. Luckily I slowed her fall but she landed on her head. She is a strong little girl, only cried for about a minute. Luckily she landed between the bed and base board heater. I am so thankful she didn't hit the heater.
These are the faces you get when you say, "Andi, please sit still!"

The weather has gotten colder which means, footed pajamas for her!! I love them!! They were my favorite as a kid too!!! She looks so cute in them!!
She went to her check-up and the pediatrician was really impressed with her. She was still 9 months at the time and couldn't believe she was walking. She said she is very advanced. She is considered at a 15-month old level for her talking, movements, etc. She is a smart, little girl, for sure! She is really big into pointing. we play a game when she points. We take where she is pointing and say what it is. As soon as we get there, she is pointing at something else. It can go on for a long time. She says 4 words and drinks from her sippy on her own. She LOVES water! My next project is to start weaning her from the bottle and pacifier. The pediatrician said she would like to see her off both of them by the time she is one. We shall see. The bottle I am not too worried about, it is the pacifier. She LOVES it so much!

Trying to get a picture of her that isn't blurry is incredibly difficult now.

I have started planning her first birthday! I can't believe it's two months away! It will be a puppy dog theme! I have found the perfect party supplies!
Hopefully I can get the images placed on her cake! I am going to get her a rocking horse for her birthday and I think for Christmas Matt is getting her a baby four-wheeler. A four-wheeler and bow is what he is looking forward to getting her the most. The bow starts next year, then it will get bigger and bigger until it is a legit shooting bow. He wants her to compete in tournaments like him. It will be there father-daughter time, as well as four-wheeling. She likes the four-wheeler, Matt and her papa take her out on it and she enjoys the ride. She is going to be an outdoors girl, for sure!
I have mentioned before how she loves the dishwasher! I finally remembered to get my camera. She likes to suck on the rinse aid spout and drink the water.

She did the cutest thing yesterday! I was cleaning her room and I had clothes strewn all in her floor getting them organized. She is clothes poor in 18 months. She was crawling all over the clothes and lying in the piles then would lay on me. She then crawled over to the door and just stared at me with a hurt look. Which I knew she was wanting some attention but I had a massive mess going. She walked out and came back with a book and crawled into my lap. So I read it to her! She has never done that before!! It was so cute! She has started bringing us different things that she takes off the table or gets elsewhere so we have started saying 'thank you' and 'your welcome' so she catches on. 
Her bangs have gotten so long,we are going to have to trim them. They are getting in her face. Her hair isn't thick enough to pull into a pony yet.

At her check-up she was right at 19 lbs and 28 in. She is in the 40th percentile across the board. She is very proportionate in all areas. She is petite and I think she will be petite as she gets older. Her legs have really lost a lot of the flab. They are getting muscular. She definitely has a strong foundation.
She looks like Matt in the pic above. She really is a combination of us both but there are days where she favors one us more.
 There's that finger! She likes to eat fruit  in her mesh bag so she can suck on it. She is eating a peach here.

I have finally put our living room back together like it was before we had a baby. I packed her walker, jumper, and swing away since she no longer uses them. It is hard to believe how fast time has gone by. Finding space to store her stuff until the next one comes along is a bit challenging in a small house! Hopefully we will upgrade when we have our second child!

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