All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Snips, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails

I had my ultrasound last week and we found out that we are having a boy! Matt and I both thought so since this pregnancy has been complete opposite of Andi's. The neat thing was that I was able to have people in the room with me for the gender reveal so instead of a party we decided to reveal it this way. Andi got to be there too and at first she didn't like it but once we got her convinced there was a baby on the screen, she was oohing and awing. 

It took awhile for us to see what it was because the little stinker didn't want to uncross his legs, then he flipped over on his knees. Finally after the ultrasound tech kept giggling my stomach, he finally revealed himself and then let it all hang out the remainder of the time. I can already tell he is going to be complete opposite of his sister. He is not as active as she was and he goes to sleep when I do, and wakes when I do. He seems very laid back and calm. Thank Goodness!

We are excited to meet him in January, I am 22 weeks now and only 3 more weeks until 3rd trimester. It seems like this pregnancy has flown by. I will say that I have had more aches and pains with this one plus I have gained weight more rapidly. It just feels like a bigger baby. My back, hips, and sciatic nerve has given me problems. I have to sleep with a body pillow this time and I literally feel like I am 8 months pregnant rather than 6. I have a feeling by the end I am going to be so miserable!
We have tons of newborn, 0-3, and 3-6 months clothes. We are in need of 6+ months. My mom, Barb, and I went to a huge kids sale at the fair grounds and I loaded up for a really good deal. It is hard to resist buying so much because they really do grow fast. 
Matt and I have been looking for a new house to buy, and finding what we want has been a challenge. I really want Strafford school district but to get land and a house is too expensive so I think we have just decided to build onto ours and buy some more of our neighbors land. I just pray that Andi has a better experience in Marshfield schools than I did. We have talked about starting next summer. I would like to start sooner but with winter coming on and having the house open, isn't that great of an idea. I am just ready for new, improved, and a lot more room!

1 comment:

  1. I hope both kids like marshfield and get treated well. I know a lot of people who got picked on including myself and the school did absolutely nothing.! Congrats on the baby boy! I bet andi is excited! She loves babies!
