All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Bye, Bye Rye

I have a lot of pictures that I have just downloaded off my phone from the past couple of months. The further you get down on the photos, the more recent. I will begin with what this post is about, Rye. Rye is what Andi named her pacifiers and it had gotten to the point that she had to have two at all times. She was becoming so dependent on them, waking at night again, and constantly losing them. 

Two weeks ago she had them and lost them both at the same time so I decided it is time to wean by telling her that Rye had to go be with the other babies because she had gotten to old for him. She did alright, had occasional fits crying for Rye mainly at nap time and before bed. A day after she had lost them, Matt and I were at the desk and she was playing with the printer. She pulled down the paper tray and yells, RYE!!!!!!!!!!!!. She had one in her mouth and holding the other up at me. I quickly grabbed them and stuffed them down the back of my She started to throw a fit but we quickly changed the subject. The next night we were in the living room and she was crawling around on the floor. She suddenly yells, RYE!!!!!!!!!! Again I quickly grabbed it and took off. It is funny how when we decide to wean her she suddenly starts finding them. I will say it has been so nice not having to crawl around looking for lost pacifiers. Since she has been weaned she is completely involved in her babies. She has four and is constantly carrying them around, feeding them, and pushing them in her grocery cart and stroller.

Since Rye went away she would not go in her room at night, absolutely hating her crib to where there was no consoling her. Matt had tried to put her to sleep one night and yelled for me to come in her room. She had learned how to get out of it onto her changing table but couldn't get down and it was scaring her. She had been doing it in her sleep as well. She was throwing such a fit that night she was jumping up and down on the table screaming. Her crib is obviously not safe anymore so the only thing we could do was let her sleep with us. I ordered a toddler bed and hopefully it will be here today. After a week of her sleeping with us it is going to be a challenge getting her to go in it and stay. She has been awesome though. She has to have both of us go to sleep with her and I haven't had to rock her at night since she has been in our bed. She will start saying night-night and get us both to go to bed. The only thing I complain about is the lack of room. I have to sleep with a body pillow and she likes to basically sleep on top of me. Our two dogs like to squeeze in between Matt and I so I am crammed on the side. It is very hard trying to turn over let alone trying to get comfortable since it is already an issue without the lack of space. Sometimes Andi will turn sideways and kick me or when she is on me, she sweats which makes me sweat. She is a little furnace just like her father. There are times I wake up and Matt has so much room and I can't even get up to go to the bathroom. It wouldn't be so bad but put a big belly and a child in the mix and it changes things.

Since Rye has left, Andi is talking a lot more. Some of the stuff she says, I have no idea what she is talking about but the fact she is talking more is great. She is singing a lot more too. 

She has learned to dress and undress herself which has been a problem because she doesn't keep clothes on. She is naked most of the time. She also has to choose what she wears and if you pick it out, good luck getting her to wear it. She loves jeans especially with the snaps and zipper. She insisted on picking the outfit she has on below. She chose everything which shocked me how she actually was coordinated in colors. She wanted to wear the jeans with the dress and that was final. 

We have finally turned her seat around. We waited because we wanted her to be at the weight limit. There are so many people I see that as soon as their child is 1 they turn them around. We tend to be a little cautious for her safety. She loves the new view and she will sing and dance now in her seat. She is one happy girl. 

She loves to go for rides, be it on a mower, four-wheeler, or her wagon. She gets so excited to as you will see in the video.


 She tends to be reckless when driving her cart and stroller around. The dogs tend to be victims as well as our feet. Below she liked having her floaty on her head while pushing her cart.

In August I went and visited Jenna. She is going to have a little girl in October. It has been neat being pregnant together, and sharing our belly experiences. We took the kids to McD's and then to a small circus. Andi loved Sawyer and kept loving on him and touching him. She had to be by him the whole time. 

The pics below show how much my belly has grown in the past 3 months. I feel like I am 8 months pregnant. I hope I am able to work up until my due date but the problems I have been having already make me a little worried. A new one has been Braxton Hicks. I had them a couple of times with Andi during the last month but I have already started this time and they are everyday and constant. They aren't painful just really uncomfortable.

Here's a story for you. Last week I went and had a massage. I was wearing the pink shirt in the first pic. I walked and talked with the masseuse, and told her about my discomforts. Halfway throught the massage she told me to roll over, I told her that I am pregnant, which I thought was self evident. She couldn't believe it. She thought I was chubby and maybe drank too many kegs of beer. I don't know what to think about 
And now for a camera roll:

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