All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Little Miss Model

A couple of weeks ago Andi had pictures taken. The photographer liked her so much that they are going to use her as a model for their outdoor sessions and marketing materials. They turned out well, only thing, her mouth is open in almost all of them.

A Plane

 Funny Doggy

 Look at the pretty flowers

 In deep thought

 Mischievous look from her father
This past Tuesday, Christie and I took her to the fair. They had a petting zoo which we thought she would love but guess what was there? They had a camel and as soon as she saw it she was done. She was screaming and shaking. Christie went over to it to try and show her it wouldn't hurt her and she started screaming louder like it was going to hurt Christie. The poor thing is definitely going to grow up with a fear if camels.

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