All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Ultrasound Update

This past Monday I had an ultrasound and met with the doctor. She is really nice and very thorough in explaining everything... I am very happy to have gotten in with her, Dr. Duff. I wish I would have had her with Andi. However, the wait time to see her is incredibly long because she is highly sought after. In her patient rooms she has these big bulletin boards that has all these thank you letters from her patients and pictures of the babies she has delivered. That made me feel good cause my last doctor didn't have any of that! I got there at 10:15 and they immediately got me for the ultrasound but I didn't see her until noon. She said that this would be the week that the testes would drop down if it is a boy. She said at this stage all babies look like girls. Her guess as of now is a girl but I have another ultrasound scheduled on September 4th and she said she would definitely know by then which I will be 6 months by that time. The heart rate was still low, 143bpm. It stinks I have to wait another month. Below are the pics. The first one looks You can see its brain and eye sockets.

The baby weighs 4 oz, the size of an avocado, and everything looks healthy. We are excited to find out what it is:-)

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