All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Not So Pleasant Days

Our baby is the size of a plum, and 3.5 inches long... yeah...if only I felt excited! I have always been a healthy person and this pregnancy is kicking my butt. I have been having A LOT of back pains lately to the point I can't get out of bed or bend down. I think this is attributed to working 10 hrs on my feet with only a 30 min break. My manager is trying to kill me! Matt had to put plywood on the mattress to try and help my back. The further along I get, the more sick it seems I get. I haven't been sick since high school so tossing my cookies is a lot for me to handle. Luckily it isn't everyday, just twice a week so far. Mornings are the roughest and then I start getting nauseated when I go to bed which means a rough morning. My books say that after the 1st trimester, morning sickness should be going away...well I am waiting!

I have always had trouble swallowing pills and the fact that I have prescription horse pills for prenatals is HORRIBLE. It is so sad because I have to prep myself to take them and then stand with my head back for about a minute counting so I can get the nerve to swallow and of course gag as I am doing it. Matt laughs at me, which he can take medicine without WATER!!! Brushing my teeth has been an ordeal...if I didn't have to brush my teeth or take pills, my life right now would be a whole lot easier!

I haven't had much of an appetite either, which worries me. As of now, all I basically eat is cottage cheese and cheese block with crackers. In the beginning I craved salads, then fried, fast food, and now cottage cheese. Prune juice has also become my friend which gags me as well. I am excited for this baby to come, but so far I am not enjoying pregnancy.

Onto a brighter note, on my days off if I can get out of bed, the dogs and I have been enjoying the outdoors. They have gotten their summer haircuts and Sammy got shaved! 

He looks like a pig dog! I didn't realize how many spots and freckles he has.

Matt has been cleaning up the front area so I can plant some boxwoods and rose hedges. I don't care for the mound of dirt behind the trees but that is his shooting pad. Hopefully in 4 years we will be moving!!! For some reason when Matt bought the house, his contract said he had to own for 9 years before he could sell or he would lose up to $5000 to the bank. So only four years left, which works out because that is when we will probably be having a 2nd child.

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