All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Happy 1 Year, Babe!

I can't believe we have been married a year! Last year, I was running around like my head cut off trying to make everything come together and now it's relaxing to just remember! 

Matt and I have been together over 3 years and that is hard to believe. Time has really flown. Although we know each other pretty well by now, we still have our ah ha
One thing he does every morning that I absolutely love: he leaves really early and I am usually still asleep and he will kiss me several times goodbye and says he loves me!! I am not really coherent, and I usually mumble back to him, but I do know when he doesn't do it...when he is running late!

 Looking back on our 1st year married, one thing I regret is not taking a honeymoon. We were booked, ready to go to Maui and I pulled the plug. Summers are hard for Matt to get away since that is his busiest time, so I didn't want to spend a lot of money right out of the gate. Now I don't know when we will get to go on a vacation. We had a trip planned with my parents to go to a Cardinals game and enjoy St. Louis for Mother's Day, but unfortunately I can't get off work so Matt is taking his dad and my step-dad was supposed to be for us!!! Oh well that is what you get for working retail. 

Matt says when we reach our 14 yr. mark, we will go to Bora, dream vacation in Tahitti, however that isn't his dream vacation. 

Staying in a cabin in Montana or Canada fishing and hunting is his, and I am sure we will do that. I have always wanted to see a grizzly in the wild...not up close though! I would like to ride the Canadian Railroad through the Rockies, I heard it is a really pretty sight.

I used to travel a lot when I lived at home, went to soooo many places and now since I have married, I have become a I like it. However, it doesn't mean that I don't want to go anywhere ever again, I am just happy where I am. My hope is to go somewhere before December, even if it is in Arkansas!

The crazy thing is before I met Matt, I was determined to be successful, whether it was with my music or some kind of driven career. I knew if I ever found the person I was meant to be with, I would drop everything for that person, and just want to be a dedicated wife/mother. Well that is what happened and I don't miss my former life much, I was always busy and meeting new people, but I like how it has turned out and wouldn't change it for the world. Our goal is to retire( win the lottery) in Montana on a ranch surrounded by thousands of acres with our families, Lonesome Dove style. I hope it happens!!

These next two weeks are going to be an exciting one for us and I can't wait to share them together. We definitely have a new chapter beginning this year, one that will change everything! 

I love you Matthew Dean, and I am excited because our journey is just beginning!

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