All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Memoir to Lucy

The day after my birthday my friend passed away, Luxurious Lady Lucy. She had been with me through some rough times and I really miss her. 

 Over these past couple of years her health deteriorated fast. When I married Matt, I left her with my parents because I knew it would be best for her. She was on steroids and had to have shots. She developed congestive heart failure as well. I knew when I first got her that yorkies are known for health problems, I thought that she would have lived longer than 8 years though.

I remember when we first got her she was soooo tiny, fit into the palm of my hand. The lady we bought her from kept her in a cage and she was the last of the litter. She was soooo excited to get chosen, she ran and ran around the livingroom buzzing. I was nervous because I thought she was always going to be like that.
I remember she used to sleep on my chest, my heartbeat would help her fall asleep. 

One day when I was at college my parents called in panic because they couldn't find her. My bedroom was upstairs and there wasn't anyway she could climb the stairs because they were way to steep and big for her. Apparently though she was up in my room, I guess looking for me or our cat took her up there...we still don't know how she would have climbed those stairs.
When I would play my guitar and write songs she was always by my side. When she would get excited she would shuffle her feet and She loved pork rinds and fried chicken.
I wish I would have paid more attention to her these past couple of years. When Matt and I got Sammy and JuJu, I could tell it hurt her feelings and I am sure she felt replaced. Whenever we would bring them over she would hyperventilate from the stress, usually Sammy would make her upset cause he is a GOOBER!!! 

She was my best friend and she helped me through some heartaches, especially the transition from teen to adult. Even when she could barely walk she would hobble over to see me when I visited my parents. I miss her GREATLY and we buried her under the oak tree on my parents farm where all of our other animals are buried. 

Rest in Peace Lucy, you are missed, but I am glad you are no longer in pain:)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Prayers and a Birthday

What we thought was going to be a relaxing, stress free weekend, turned the opposite. My birthday was yesterday(27) and we had a family celebration. I finally got to see my BFF, Jenna and her mom!!! We live about 2 hours away and mine and her work schedule aren't very cooperative when trying to make plans. Seeing each other was long overdue!! It was great but Matt and I had a lot on our minds due to the night before.

Saturday at midnight I was at the hospital getting my husband. No, he wasn't hurt thank GOD but one of his friend's is. Matt went to a small get together Saturday night while I was at work, to shoot some skeet. When I was headed home he told me they were going to start a brush pile fire and have a bonfire and he would be home around 11. No big deal, I had been wanting to watch Grease, so I stayed up for him. Well my movie ended and I thought it was weird I hadn't heard from him. I tried his phone but he didn't answer and then a weird number calls me. I didn't answer and it called again. His mom then called as well as the other number and that's when I heard sirens!!! The worst possible feeling/thoughts came over me. I answered the strange number and Matt says, I am ok but we are headed to the hospital with Les Hartman.

Les is going through a hard time right now and for some reason he decided to run through a 20yd brush pile on fire falling down twice. The 2nd time being in a hole. God had to be with him to get him up the second time because a normal person would not have made it out alive. Apparently when he got up the 2nd time his arms were on fire. Matt said that everyone was in a state of shock because they had no warning that he was going to do it and couldn't believe what they were watching happen. 

Needless to go into how his arms looked, he has 3rd degree burns and his face is 1-2 degree. He has been in surgery the past couple of days and it will be a long recovery. He has a wonderful family and he is great guy too, so please have him in your prayers. After being upset with Matt, mainly because I thought something had happened to him, I am glad he was there to help Les. I am thankful that Les was able to get up and get out because that would have been a scene that would have haunted my husband for the rest of his life.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Promotion Plus Other Things!

Since my last post was a little disappointing, thought I would share some good news!!! This past week I was promoted to the absolute best spot in Dillards based on my sales success in Men's. Now I am a consultant for Clinique and the pay/earning potential is unbelievable!!! Never thought I would like to work in cosmetics, but so far it has been going well. My mom works for Estee Lauder, so I had some insight to what it would be like. This week they started gift, which it's CRAZY busy and my mind is on overload. Everything is headed into the right direction, and falling into place so YAY!!!

A couple of weeks ago, Matt bought a SR5 Tundra, Mega cab/baby hauler!!! He drives a small Tacoma back/forth to work since he drives long distances and he has been wanting a nice, family vehicle for quite a while. The neatest feature is the automatic back glass:-)

This next picture is hilarious and I could not NOT post My uncle-in-law tends to pick on my stepmother-in-law a lot including everyone in the family. While he was in Friendship, Indiana at a muzzeloading gun shoot, he saw these blowing in the wind. I wish I had the poem he wrote for was soooo funny, but the picture is worth some laughs too...ENJOY!!!