All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Monday, June 20, 2011

A Father's Day to Remember

Matt and I decided to have the whole family get together at our house for Father's Day. Matt grilled Filet Minon, I made oriental cole slaw, carrot cake, my mom brought corn on the cob, baked beans, and deviled eggs, Barbara brought an apple pie, Christie and Cassie brought a veggie tray, and Rick and Michelle brought homemade tea!!! The eating was great and then afterward we played a nice family game for the rest of the evening:-)

Matt is sooo competitive and gets it from his mom and dad, if he starts losing, he won't stop til he wins.

Barb had to have a warm up and then she found her groove, she had a foot swing going

My mom gets serious and I have no idea what Cassie is

All-in-all, the evening was perfect!! It is nice to be able to get the whole family together and have a fun, enjoyable evening! That was a major factor in finding someone, because if the family can't get a long, it creates a tension which is not enjoyable. I can't wait until we have kids, it will be sooo much fun because the extra addition will add to the experience!!!!

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