All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Friday, December 5, 2014

Look Who's Two!

Two big things have happened in the past 30 days. Andi is potty trained for the most part, and she had her 2nd b-day party. I will start with the potty training. It literally was like it happened overnight. I think part of her success is I let her run naked all day when I am with her. She loves to be naked and constantly takes her clothes off. We had been kind of working with her and then it just clicked. She uses her potty now and wears big girl panties. I still put her in a diaper at night but she usually wakes up dry. When we go places I put her in a pull up to save on accidents but she does really well at the house. I have never seen a child pee soooo much. She will run and get on her potty and pee at least 5x in 30 minutes. She drinks a lot of water so that has to be why. She has went by herself and then tells me afterward. She is growing up! I'm glad about her timing so we don't have the added expense of buying her diapers as well.

For her party, we had a baby farm animal theme. Her absolute favorite present was the cozy coupe. It will entertain her hours. She thinks she is such a big girl with her dolls and play cell phone driving her car. It is fun to watch. Her next favorite present was an animal sounds book. Both presents came from my dad and Martisha. They did really well. Grandma Barbara got her a piano and she really likes it too. Aunt Christie got her a monkey that was life like. She really liked it too but the monkey lived a short life after their dogs got a hold of it. I had her keep it cause the thing freaked me out. Pop and Michelle got her a learning chair and she really liked it too especially the music.

She got the piano on Thanksgiving because grandma couldn't wait any longer....Andi isn't spoiled at all.
It was funny watching her blow out her candles. She wasn't blowing hard enough and she kept blowing up and her hair would move. It was a fun birthday and she really got into opening her presents. It is hard to believe she is two now. Afterwards she literally passed out. She was exhausted!
 34 weeks prego.

My last dr. appointment was on Nov. 26th. Thankfully I had only gained a pound and his heart rate was 147 bpm. My next appointment is on the 11th and it is the beginning of my weekly's. I will be 35 weeks in two days, hallelujuah! I could barely walk yesterday, I have been having so much pain in my hips and pelvis. It feels like my pelvis is going to snap into. I never experienced this kind of pain with Andi and I am ready for our little man to be here. I am scared when he finally drops that I won't be able to walk.
We went and toured Cox's labor and delivery. I will say that Mercy was nicer only because it was new. Cox seems more strict on privacy and visitors. Now I just need to get my bag packed and we will just play the waiting game.

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