All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Whew...What a Month so Far

The first half of the month has been interesting, to say the First of all, we had some nice, outside weather. Luckily, it was on my days off so I could enjoy it with Andi and Matt. She got to experience the fun of bubbles.
She isn't much of a baby anymore, which makes me sad. It is crazy how fast she is growing.

As you can see, her bangs look a little off...just wait...they will get better! I say that sarcastically. 

 She has really been talking lately. She is saying more words like eye, and will point to her eye. She is saying day, A, boy, girl, papa. She is saying more, I can't think of them all. Here's a video of some of them.
She has cut her molars, top and bottom which has meant sleepless nights for me:)
However, she gets to take naps whenever she wants!
She doesn't take much of a nap(s) anymore. She mainly takes one a day around mid morning and the rest of the day is go, go, go. I don't see how she does it when she sleeps horrible most nights.

She loves to get into my shoes and scatter them throughout the house. She loves to put them on too.

One of the nice days we were outside transplanting trees and she enjoyed running around and finding golf balls. Needless to say I think she is ready to hunt eggs at Easter:)

Matt took her for four-wheeler rides and she held her hands up the whole time. She was having fun!
We took her to her doctor for her 15 month check-up and her stats were good. She went from the 10th to 25th percentile overall. Her height helped her. She is now 21.3 pounds, 30.75 inches tall, and her head 17inches. The doctor said she must have inherited a small head, but she is proportionate. I couldn't imagine her with a big head.
Look at her bangs now! The story behind mom cut a hunk out of her bangs the first time because she moved then my mother-in-law evened them out. Needless to say we said no one touches her bangs unless we say. 

 Look how tall she has gotten.

She got her shots on the 10th and I got a call at work 3 days later from my mom that she had broke out with what looked like the measles, which was one of the shots she got. We rushed her to urgent care and they said she had an allergic reaction to the shot and had a bad case of hives. She acted just fine but had spots all on her. We gave her benedryl for 3 days and the great thing was how she slept! I actually got rested!! She has fully recovered now thank goodness.

Missouri weather is crazy. We had 70 degree weather and then the next day we had snow and ice. I am ready for spring, early summer temps. We can't wait to take Andi to the zoo, she will have so much fun. She loves to feed the dogs so much that I think she will get a blast having a little bag to feed the animals!
She likes to put her pacifier in her hair.
That is her foot on the side. She is a spunky, free-spirited, strong-willed, spit-fire. I'd have to say out of my 29 years and watching how much joy she has brought into all of our lives,
she has been the best gift I have ever received. I love her so much!


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