All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Monday, March 31, 2014

Teething and a Cold

These past couple of weeks Andi has had a snotting cold that seems to be taking forever to leave. After she had her issue with the shots she came down with a fever and her eyes would water really bad. She developed a cough with congestion in her lungs, which sounded awful. She is better now except for the runny nose. She gave it to both Matt and I and it has made its way through the family. 
She has had four teeth break through on top. 2 molars and the teeth in front. She is finally getting teeth and she loves to bite me now and draw blood. She thinks it is funny even when I bite her back. She is something else!

One of the things I forgot to write last time was her new development, hugging. She gives hugs now which melts my heart and tons of kisses. She has said another new word, night-night. We have been playing an animal sound game with her. We will say" What does an owl say?" Hoot, Hoot and she will hoot. She likes to take part and will make her own sounds and try to play along. It is really cute. She shuffles her feet now when she gets excited, like she is tap dancing and she still does a stomp in a circle. 

Luckily the store is closed on Easter so we will have a get together at our house and Andi can hunt Easter eggs. I will dress her in a pretty Easter dress just for my grandparents! Until next time.....

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