All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Friday, July 26, 2013

The Witching Hour

Many people say the witching hour is midnight to 3 am, well I believe it when it comes to Andi! She usually wakes around 3 or 3:30 wanting a bottle and then she has this burst of energy where she wants to go all over the house for an hour or so! When she decides to fall asleep is when I am usually getting up for work so needless to say I am not getting much sleep.

We have stopped co- sleeping simply because Matt can't rest with her sleeping between us. She sleeps the best though when she does. It has been a fight to get her to sleep in her crib after 3am. Instead of having a screaming fit I would just put her in bed with us. Well that no longer exists so now I rock her for a good hour while she wallers me and stands up. These are the times I say she is her father's daughter. We have let her cry it out a couple times, lasting 25 minutes. At this time my patience isn't the greatest because I want to be sleeping and as long as she is awake crying, we all are. I will have rocked her and she will be snoring asleep and as soon as I lower her down, her eyes and mouth are open! We try to ware her out at night so she will sleep good, but 3am is the magic time for her.

Onto something else, we got our family photos back and they turned out great! Below are some of the good ones! You will notice she really liked sticking her tongue out. They were taken at the time that she had discovered it! She was 6 months at the time. I can't believe she is almost 8.

 This is one of my favorites!

 We took the blanket out from under her and she did NOT like the grass.

It was a good session but by the end, I was ready to be done! She did really well though!

Since then I have chopped my hair off! I cut 7 inches off in February and it had grown back quick so I went shorter this time. I haven't had it this short since 2007 when I had 17 inches cut off( unwillingly) when I fried it from dye and chlorine swimming pools. I am still losing a lot of it but it is still plenty thick. I will be glad when I am done shedding from the pregnancy. I have been wanting to go short for awhile and I just did it on a whim. I surprised a lot of people with my "new mom hairdo" including Matt because I never said a word about it! It is so much easier to manage and Andi isn't pulling it as bad! 
Matt has started working at his former job again. I am excited that Andi and I will be on his insurance since it has a family deductible of $800! I think he will have it by the end of August and I am glad I will be able to drop mine at work since it costs $85/week just for me. In Matt's words, " We can have 10 kids now!"

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