All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Back To My Roots!

Last week my mom, Andi, and I flew to Texas where I grew up. Andi had not gotten to meet her great grandparents and aunt. We also visited more family on my mom's side, my dad, his sister, and girlfriend. I was nervous about flying with Andi, thinking she would throw one of her fits but she was INCREDIBLE!!

She socialized for about 30 minutes and then fell asleep going to and coming from! A lot of people were commenting on how well she did. She definitely likes people. She kept squealing at everyone and having fun! Also the flight was only 1.5 hr which was nice too.

We flew from Branson to Houston. I do not like driving in Houston traffic. It is worse than St. Louis and KC. Beaumont is a little over an hour from Houston. We got the car seat and I should have brought mine. It was a cheapy and it was hard to fasten. Of course Andi had to break it in on the way by having a blow out! 

It was really nice to see everyone again, wish we didn't live so far away. Andi loved everyone too! She acted so well. I forgot how hot it gets and the humidity so Andi spent a lot of time naked! She is very hot natured she would sweat a lot. Then she became a pain trying to put her diaper on, constantly flipping over and trying to crawl as fast as possible away so I got tired of fighting her and let her run buck wild.

One thing I enjoyed getting to watch was her in my rocking chair! She really liked it! The pic below is of me when I was around her age.
Then we have Andi:

It made me soooo happy how she acted with everyone! We really have been blessed with a wonderful baby!
Since it was hot we had to feed her a favorite: Ice cream sandwiches. She loves them and she gets really messy!

She uses us as jungle gyms to pull up on and waller. 

Aunt Brandi had to feed her chocolate cake as well.
Andi really liked my grandparents and aunt. My grandma could get her laughing by showing her teeth which was really cute!

The next pic was too good not to post. Andi was getting tired of getting her picture taken.
The last night we were there I visited my dad and his girlfriend. I got to see his new house, which is really nice!

Overall it was a great trip, good to see everyone again and reminisce about old times. Hopefully one day we will live closer!

When we got back Andi spent the night at Grandma Barbara's so I could get some much needed sleep and when we went to pick her up this is what we saw!
It won't be long until she is walking. The progress she is making now each day is amazing!

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