All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Andi's 4 Month Check-Up

Andi's check-up went really well! She is right where she needs to be. Her stats so far are:

Weight: 13.14( so right at 14 lbs)
Height: 23.75in
Head: 15 and 3/8

Her weight is in the 50th percentile which is average. Her height is in the 95th percentile and her head is in the 10th. She has a small head but she looks proportionate.They should have measured her cheek size and it would have made up for it! Everyone was going on about how pretty she is and how social. They said when she smiles, she smiles with every muscle in her face. She has a really great/happy smile just trying to get her to do it for the camera is a little hard! She definitely does it easily for people.

She took her shots very well, just cried a little. The next day was a little hard though. She didn't feel well at all. I ended up staying home with her because she wouldn't stop crying, ran a fever and she also had diarrhea. It is weird how after her 2 month shots, she was fine and didn't have a rough day.
We are still working on her rolling over. She has started baby crunches. She will lift her head off the ground for about 3-5 seconds when she is on her back. When she is on her tummy she has started crawling with her legs but pushes herself on her head. She hasn't quite got strong enough to push up with her arms for a long time. If she had that strength she would be crawling.

Her 6 month check-up is in June. I can't believe she will be 6 months. Time sure is flying by. Soon we will be planning her 1st birthday:-)

We had some really nice weather last week. It was 80 one of the days so I got to dress her more springier. She really liked it!!

I couldn't get her to look at me because she was fixated on the Sam and JuJu.

She has started giggling at the dogs. She loves animals especially dogs which doesn't amaze me because every house she goes to there are dogs. She will smile really big and then giggle at them.  It is very precious!! I bet her first word is doggy or puppy, who wants to make a bet?

If you haven't noticed, she has long legs. Her hair is an auburn color and she has incredibly long eyelashes that she got from her daddy!
She likes to lift her shirt and dress to put in her mouth. Plus she is grabbing everything!

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