All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Andi, You're Already 4 Months?

What a month it has been! We have teethed, learned to scream, talk, and scoot. She is becoming a handful and she hasn't even started crawling.
She is constantly putting her hands in her mouth now. I try to keep her from it, but it is impossible.

She has developed separation anxiety. I can't leave the room without her with me. So now she helps me cook, fold laundry, organize her clothes..etc

I bought a baby wrap before she was born, have yet to use it because it is difficult to get her in and out. I need to get one of those front carriers so I can use 2 hands.
She went through a growth spurt this past week and was a very needy baby. She ate every hour! Needless to say I didn't get anything accomplished that day.
She has realized she can scream now, not just squeal. She sees how loud she can get, and it is quite funny. The first time she did it though I about had a heart attack! I left her in her swing and went into the kitchen. She had pushed herself out of it. Her butt was hanging off the end, her legs sticking straight out, toes pointed, and she was hanging onto the strap with one hand. It would have been a funny picture, but that didn't cross my mind at the time.
She has also started talking or babbling A LOT this past month. She will really get to talking and it you don't pay attention to her she will get louder until she is basically yelling at you to talk to her. She decided to do this at 2:30 in the morning, waking us up. I don't know what she had to say but apparently it was really important because she kept talking for a good hour! This video of her later in the day is below. She isn't as vocal as before but she does have her days where she talks non-stop!

The picture below is her in mid sentence. She isn't really saying words although sometimes it sounds like she says hi and mama.

I love this picture because she was caught with her fingers in her mouth! It is almost like she got caught with her hand in the cookie jar!
I packed away her 3month clothes. She is now wearing 3-6 and 6 months. There were a lot of clothes she never got to wear. I am going to have to start playing dress up with her more so she can at least wear them once. Luckily most of them were 2nd hand, so not a lot of money was wasted!

We didn't celebrate Easter this year, there really wasn't a whole lot going on and people were busy. Last Easter we announced we were having a baby through prayer and now she is here. Next year will be better since she will be walking and can hunt eggs. I will definitely have to get her an Easter dress then!
But I put her in her bunny ears that her great aunt and great grandparents got her!
She had fun at her grandparents house with her new bunny!

Tummy time has gotten better! If I put her down after she eats, she is good or I put her mirror in front of her it keeps her happy.

She has learned to role onto her side. I work with her everyday rolling her over so she knows what it feels like. The funny thing is I can put a toy by her and she could care less, but I place her pacifier by her and she goes crazy trying to get it. I am not looking forward to the day of weaning her! She has learned how to scoot herself with her legs as well. You lay her on her mat and a couple minutes later she is off of it. She has gotten more active in her bouncer. She plays with the musical notes and changes the songs it plays. She is almost touching the ground now and she will bounce herself in it.

She has a mohawk going on now since her hair has gotten longer.

Matt and I like to have fun with her and she will get herself into some funny poses. She has learned to use her legs and will almost do a back bend pressing her feet onto the ground and arching her back. This has not been fun since she does this when you are trying to put her in her car seat! Her learned maneuver is what got her out of her swing. One night we had her sitting on the couch and she did that and fell over into a model pose! Lips puckered and everything!

We have started feeding her cereal with a spoon now. She doesn't really care for it. I have been feeding her cereal in a bottle for over two months, but now it is a different consistency on the spoon.

She has also started eating carrots and some bananas.

We had some really nice weather this past week and we were able to go outside! She likes to look around, there is A LOT to explore! She was watching daddy on the 4-wheeler pushing rock. Once the weather gets nicer full-time, she will be outside a lot, especially with daddy.
This past week she started sleeping from 8:30 to 7!! That is the best yet and I hope it stays and isn't just a fluke!


Last but not least, she has started putting everything into her mouth that she gets her hands on, including me! I sometimes call her my vampire baby when she goes for the neck!

1 comment:

  1. I would love to cum in your mouth and see you look like that, my niece looks super hot with my cum dripping off her chin
