All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Tug on the Heart Strings

This past week has been my second week back and I am slowly getting back into the swing of things. The hardest thing is saying goodbye to this little one.

Diaper changing time and floor mat time have become my special moments as a mom. 

 Andi is really starting to babble and answer back. It makes my heart melt, especially when she has that huge grin on her face. The first thing she does when she wakes up is greet me with a real big smile. My heart melts every time. I have to say my cup runneth over! I never knew just how rewarding being a mother would be and how much a little baby can have such a huge impact on your heart. I LOVE her sooooo much, I just want to eat her I told Matt last night I am ready for another one. I might become this crazy person that is obsessed with having Another thing that tugs at my heart strings is watching her sleep. I have never seen something so precious, angelic, and innocent. She is my baby angel:-)

She has learned how to trick you. If you leave the room, she will act like she is crying and when you come back to check on her she will give you a big, cheesy grin! You can tell she gets A LOT of attention and she eats it up!

She is falling asleep earlier now. Instead of 10 we are at 9...yay! She usually sleeps about 7-8 hours a night and then a 2-3 hour nap after she eats and plays. This is what our mornings, afternoons, and evenings consist of:
 She starts showing how she plays a little better in this one:-) It sounds like she says hi back!


 She usually gets really loud and carries on. Every time I would take the camera away she would act like her normal self and then when I would bring it back, she would stop. I think she is camera shy:-)

 She doesn't have her crying rampages at night like before. She will get a little fussy but then fall right to sleep. She has been a very good, healthy baby and I hope it continues.

This past weekend was her first restaurant experience, one that I missed due to work. I will admit that is upset me, I am already missing out on her firsts. Apparently she did well, just loaded her diaper. I was sent this picture as she was doing it!

We got this new seat with toys from Matt's dad and step mom. I put her in it and she is holding her head up pretty well. Hopefully within the next month or so she will hold it up all the time. She does when you carry her around.
We explore a lot of things. I will put her in her walker (which she is still too small for) and push her around. She really likes it because she can look around.

She is a very observant baby. We have her swing near the TV and she will turn her head all the way around trying to look at it.

 She still isn't a fan of tummy time, not even on her boppy. She will get her legs to moving so fast but the poor girl isn't going anywhere. She will even get to rocking, which she has rocked her self onto her side briefly. She would rather be on someone's chest for tummy time, which she will push up and look around so I guess that will have to do.

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