All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Cupcake Surprise!!!

I've been up since 5:30am, not because I want to. I no longer get to sleep in because the baby starts kicking and punching between 5:30-7am. I guess I am getting prepared for the coming months:-) Last night Matt felt the baby kick twice for the first time. It was on a rampage, which that is how it is right before I go to sleep.

Today was a lot of fun. We have known about the baby's gender since Thursday and have kept it a secret until now:-) The pic below is of the body and face. It is covering it's eyes!
 I wanted to make the reveal fun so I baked cupcakes:-) The surprise was inside, whether pink or blue icing.

Everyone took a bite at the same time! ( I didn't get everyone in the pic)
3 said we were having a girl and 4 said we were having a boy. I said boy, Matt said girl. Who was right? Look at how long HER legs are!
I will admit when we had the ultrasound and she said girl, I got teary eyed. I was wanting a boy really bad, and just felt that is what I was having. The funny thing is at the beginning of the ultrasound there were two circular objects and Matt said, "Is that the testicles." The technician said no, that is the cervix!! Matt said girl from the very beginning and he believes my first pregnancy was a boy, but we will never know.

I am very happy with what we are having and that she is very healthy:-) As of Thursday she was 10oz and her heartbeat was 154 bpm. 

In a year this is what Matt will be doing....
He said he is going to have to get the shotguns ready. He will make a wonderful dad and I am excited for December to be here so we can welcome Andi Faye Maness into the world and our hearts!!! She is going to be sooooo SPOILED!!!!

As I said in the last post, I will post a belly pic. I feel like I have gained more than 3 lbs and my hands have started to swell some. As of now nothing of mine really fits anymore which I dread having to buy maternity clothes. Oh well, that is part of it!


  1. So happy for you guys..congrats

  2. You look beautiful & I can't wait to meet miss Andi!!!XOXO
