All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Sneak Peak!

It has been a LONG day.....Let's say I am very disappointed in the organization/communication of St. Johns. I have never had such problems when I was with Cox. We went this morning, all excited to our appointment to first have the ultrasound and then the visit with the doctor. Guess What!!! I wasn't scheduled for an ultrasound. We had the dr. visit and the heartbeat was really strong!!! That went fine, apparently my ding dong nurse forgot to schedule my ultrasound. My appointment was at 10. We had to come back at 3 for the ultrasound. Matt was planning on working after the appointment but that didn't happen. I just wonder what else is going to happen!!!

Onto the good news!! The baby is very healthy and big. It is 10oz which apparently the average is 8-8.5oz. The picture below was astounding to us. The baby has long legs, which this picture you can't really tell but I can't show the other one because it reveals the sex. The baby was turning over and moving all around. Which I believe because I feel the kicks/punches all the time. What we were amazed about is the calf muscle indention. Matt and I both have big calves, so we got a kick out of being able to see this.
We didn't get a very good face pic but I think it is going to have Matt's nose and height. Of course we won't be able to tell until it arrives. Sunday we will reveal to the family and then everyone else will know what we are having. I think our child will be quite an athlete, whether it is a boy or girl. STAY TUNED!!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful little leg & sweet little tootsie toes!!! I just melted & said, awwww! I love how that sweet baby is curling those toes! I'm also laughing because you refer to the baby as "it".lol. I know you weren't trying to reveal the sex, but I just thought that was so funny for some reason.;) I love it, You are going to be THE BEST parents ever! Good genes & nice legs! It's a win win! Love you & your blog!
    Auntie Jen Jen
