All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Our Story!!

My senior year Matt and I had spanish together. I had a high school crush on him and we sat by each other in the front row. I remember trying to talk to him but he was sooo shy, he would say a couple of words and look down at his desk. After I graduated, being a year older, I often wondered about him and I would look on Facebook occasionally for him. Well this past year I did a lot of praying....praying I would find someone...the one....well July 16th is when it happened. Matt had joined Facebook and I thought, WTH I will message him and see how he has been. I really wasn't expecting for him to reply. At this point in my life I had given up on guys but something ( gut feeling) told me this would be different. Well come to find out he was single and the more we talked the more he sounded like my "ideal" guy. "Could this be true"....Our first date was Aug. 1st at the Ozark Empire Fair. It had been 6 years since our spanish class together, six years we had seen each other which living in the same town only 10 miles apart, you would think we would eventually bump into one another....Nope....our first date was one of the times when there was a sign that it had to be FATE. Walking through the crowds of people....low and behold we pass our spanish teacher whom I hadn't seen for 6 years either. What are the odds of that happening??? Especially at the fair among large crowds of people??? That is when I really started believing in FATE and it has reassured itself other times as well!!!


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