All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Friday, October 16, 2015

8 Months: A Mover and a Shaker!

I am so behind on these posts. Life has been crazy busy for me lately. I have quit Dillard's and I am soooo much more happier! I have been subbing A LOT lately! I have subbed a lot at the high school level for Strafford. I have subbed a lot of elementary for Springfield. I really wish I would have been actually teaching this whole time. I Love it so much! However, I will say that I have had some crazy classes in Springfield. I have been cussed out by a 4th grader. My best experiences has been at Strafford. It is an amazing school and my kids are going to go there! Strafford has been named one of the best schools in the Midwest. It really is an outstanding school. My goal is to eventually teach there once I obtain my certification! I hope to student teach there as well. The school makes a big difference in how the students act as well. There are some pretty rough schools in Springfield. I was originally wanting to teach 3rd or 4th grade but now I am starting to think younger or even high school. The students are talking back and being disrespectful at a younger age now. It seems like it is starting in most 4th graders. It is a bit more challenging to teach the younger students because they are rowdier than high school students. However, I had 40 preschoolers one day and they were better behaved than some of the 3rd and 4th graders I have taught. I have also taken into account that I am a sub and students don't mind me as well as the actual teacher but it has given me a lot of insight.

Moving onto the kids. They have been doing well. Ben is just a growing and turning into a little hulk. He is our man child. He will play with Andi and wrestle with her. It is really something! I love watching them play and their special bond they share. Ben is constantly into everything and now since he crawls super fast, he gets into things quicker. He obeys pretty well and oh his poor head. That child falls more and hits his head than Andi ever did. He is already trying to climb things and he isn't quite walking yet. He is definitely going to give me premature gray hairs!

He eats all of the time! He has to eat table food, he will not eat baby food. He also has to feed himself. He does not like to be fed. He is really independent. He has a shoe fetish. He constantly wants to be chewing on shoes and when he sees shoes in the floor, he gets excited! He loves to clap and pound things. He loves to bounce, he literally puts bounce in bouncing baby boy! He has been standing on his own for awhile now. He has taken a couple of steps and I am just waiting for him to take off. He literally makes huge strides each week in development.

As for Andi, she is talking a lot more now. She is speaking in sentences and she uses one or more new words a day. She is very observant for a toddler which is crazy. She is witty too. She still has her outbursts but not as many as she use to have. She has gotten better at expressing her concerns through her words. Something funny she did, we went to the Apple Festival in Seymour and the FFA had some animals there. There was a chicken in a cage and she kept going up to it and calling it chicken nugget. She kept saying, Mommy look at the chicken nugget. I thought that was pretty cute!

AS for me, classes have picked up and there is a lot of work. Also I have to take so many tests for my certification, it is insane. I am currently studying for the MoGEA which is like an ACT. Everything I am studying is information I took in high school as dual credit, so I don't remember some of it, especially the advanced math. I do not understand why they require this test, the ACT should be acceptable!

AS for Matt and I, we need a bigger house. We literally are out of room and storage space. I want to move closer to Strafford but everything so far has been outrageous to buy, anything with acreage. All I know is we are going to have to do something within the next year!

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