All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

2 Week Update

This past week, Ben had his 2 week appointment. In two weeks time he has gained 2 lbs and grew 1.5 inches. He is weighing 8 lbs 12 oz and is 20.5 in. tall. His head grew .5 inches too. He is in the 50th percentile for weight and height. His head is in the 10th. 

He is definitely a little pig. I am constantly feeding him. He cluster feeds a lot so he eats every hour. I pretty much stay stationary all day. He is a strong baby. He holds his head up really well just doesn't have the control yet. He also pushes with his legs a lot too. He is a really good baby. He only cries when his diaper is wet, then he feeds and goes back to sleep. He sleeps really well throughout the day but at night, it seems as though he wants to be held more. So I end up sleeping in the recliner holding him. I am probably starting a bad habit but I don't want him to cry. He spits up A LOT, mainly because he eats more than his stomach can hold. He has some funny moments when he is eating. When my milk lets down it comes out really fast but then slows down. He gets mad when it slows down and starts throwing a fit, so I switch him to the other side where it is faster. Then switch him back and forth throughout the feeding. He usually eats for 20-30 minutes although when he is having a growth spurt he will eat up to an hour. The great thing about him eating so much is I have lost 26 lbs in two weeks. I gained 40 so 14 more and I'll be at my pre-pregnancy weight!

This past week has been a trial with Andi. She has been a handful. She has spent more time in timeout this week than she has all together. She is mainly rebelling against me. When I get Ben to feed she says to put him back in bed. She won't listen to me either. She is constantly getting all his blankets and clothes and putting them on her baby dolls. Every time I feed him she starts destroying the house. I have been giving her as much attention as possible in between feedings but she still acts out. She definitely loves her brother though. She is constantly singing to him and wants to hold his hand. She has her baby moments though. She wants to be rocked and fed milk when Ben is being fed. She helps me change his diaper and throws it away. She gets upset if she doesn't get to throw it away, so that is her official role.

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