All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Happy First Birthday, Andi Faye

Little miss Andi turned the big one on the 7th! We had horrible, icy, snowy weather which made driving conditions bad but we managed to still have her birthday over at Matt's moms. It went really well. We got a lot of video and pics from it. She didn't know what to do with most of the family there, she was constantly showing off. She loves attention!

She got a lot of toys and even more to come at Christmas. We need a bigger house just to store her toys. She really enjoyed her cake and loved giving me kisses with icing all over her mouth!

We got some really good video but it wasn't saved to the SD card and trying to get if off the camera has been a nightmare. Hopefully one of these days I can post them!

One of her favorite toys she got was a piano with a microphone. She loves the microphone! She also loves the drum. My dad and Martisha got her a word book, rolling suitcase that plays music, and a family of ducks she can pull behind her that she really likes.
Her least favorite has been the Jack in the Box. She is scared of it. I wish I would have gotten a video of her with it the first night because she would scream and run away. The funny thing is her delayed reaction. She wouldn't scream until 3 seconds after it had popped out.
She went for a check-up and she is now 29 inches and 19.10oz. She is petite to say the least. Her top left tooth is coming in and she still has a pretty good appetite. Now it is almost Christmas and I think Andi is kind of getting into the spirit although she isn't too fond of Santa yet.

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