All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Spirit of Re-Gifting

Andi being the spoiled little girl that she is, she has already got to try out some of her presents for her birthday and Christmas. Daddy took the pic below of his gift to her. She is enjoying her new pull out sofa bed while eating goldfish. Once I got home I put it up. It will be good for wallering.
She has gotten to test out her presents from Matt's mom and sister. She actually fell asleep in her new Tinker Bell sleeping bag.

Onto something new that she is doing....wearing her father's clothes.She will actually get his shirts over her head and wear them around as well as his boxers.

I had talked about how she is into copycatting us. I took this video. She has her daddy's shirt on as well.
She has gotten into a bad habit of feeding the dogs. She will give them a piece of what she is eating and then have herself some. She likes to share her food with them.

She is all about our phones to the point she throws a fit when we take them from her. She is constantly after them and has to have them. I found my old touch screen phone and I charge it for her. She carries it around and talks on it. She still likes to get ours as well but at least we don't have quite the meltdowns.
Last night we had a major milestone happen. She finally drank milk from her sippy. She pretty much weaned herself from the bottle. I have just started feeding her food every 2-3 hours cause she wouldn't take her milk and finally last night before she went to sleep she used her sippy. I have started her on vitamins that she takes really well. There is nothing she wont' eat.

Only 1 week until her birthday. I have her collage almost done, still waiting on some pictures to arrive. It is hard to believe the holidays are here and it is almost the end of the year. Every year seems to go by faster.

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