All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Her First Shots and Adventure

I wanted to get a pic of her awake in her outfit, but she was exhausted after her outing. She got her shots Friday. I felt so bad and teared up when they gave them to her. I had Pa-Pa Davis come with me for moral support. I am not a big fan of needles...needless to say shots from my experience as a kid. She was playing, cooing, and smiling and then got stuck 3 times. She didn't cry very long, she actually had her melt down getting put into her car seat, which didn't happen for awhile. Luckily she didn't have a fever that night and she wasn't fussy either, she was just tired.
I decided to take her to my work and let her meet my coworkers. That was over stimulating for her. We only visited for about 30 minutes and I thought that was enough being her first time in public. It is amazing how a baby attracts people and kids. You can't help but awe over a little baby. I have only taken her out twice to the pediatrician and that was it. I am slowly getting braver. She acts pretty good, I just have to have her binky and bottle nearby. I am not brave enough to take her to a restaurant yet. Maybe in a month or so. I am waiting for the flu bug to pretty much be gone.

We went to a new pediatrician, Dr. Nitta, and I am overly impressed by her and the nurses. The bed side manner is great and she is very thorough in her examination as well as explanatory. I learned a lot from her in one visit about Andi, than the last two at the other pediatrician. Here are Andi's stats so far:

  • She is right at 11lbs
  • 22.5 in long
  • She is in the 95th percentile and above average( which apparently she was in the bottom 10 in weight and length when she was born)
  • She is VERY social
  • Has sensitive skin, especially on her face
  • Overall a very happy, healthy baby. 
One thing we have noticed with her, she will follow you with her eyes and other people. She is a good watcher. The other night we had her in her swing away from us and had some visitors. She was watching us the whole time and started getting fussy. I went and got her and she became happy being part of the conversation, sitting on my lap looking around at everyone. She will watch me do my exercise videos....I often wonder what she is thinking... Sam has really became her protector. He always lays by her when she is on the floor. The other night JuJu tried to get between him and her and he absolutely wouldn't let her. He started showing his teeth and growling at her. He knows he is going to be Andi's little horse when she gets

Well I got my hair chopped off and I LOVE it!!! It is sooo much lighter and easier to take care of!!! Matt really likes it too!! I could have gotten it shorter but it is a good starting length.
I go back to work Monday. I am only going to work 30 hours that way I can have 3 days off a week and not worry if Matt is going to be working on Fridays. Plus it gives me more time with my baby...which I am going to miss. I am not going to know what to do since I won't be staring at a baby all day! This past week I went to a training class for Clinique and I felt like a fish out of water. It is going to be an adjustment getting back into the swing of things after being gone for 2 months and not wearing make-up the whole

Matt and I celebrated Valentine's Day last night at Haruno's, and let me say how hard it has been to not have sushi for over a year! FINALLY, that craving has been satisfied!!! We celebrated our 1st V-day there 4 years ago and he didn't say more than a sentence the whole time due to it being close quarters with other people.

He can be shy at times and so can I. This time we had good company: Christie, Cassie, Rick, and Michelle. My how times have changed!

This has been our 2nd date night since Andi has been born. The funny thing is that we used to not have a whole lot of date nights, we enjoyed staying home. Now, we like to get out. So much for our hermit lives...we have a baby now:-)!

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