All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Thrills and Frills

What an exhausting weekend it has been. We had a garage sale the past two days. This is my first time having one and we made almost $600. It was nice to finally get rid of a lot of stuff I have been hanging onto for far too long. The only bad thing was the heat. Friday we shut down at 3 and yesterday at noon. I thought that was enough.

The dreaded swelling has begun just in my feet and hands. Some days I can't get my ring off and my feet swell around the ankles halfway down. My feet look weird because midways down to my toes is thin, and then up to my ankels it gets

I am now 22 weeks. The baby is a little longer than a banana and is at 1lb. She kicks constantly. Sometimes she kicks my bladder over and over, which makes me feel like I have to pee ALL THE TIME. She has also started stretching out, it feels like. It seems as though she will push with her hands and feet and it creates a weird wave like look on my stomach. One night Sam had his head resting on my stomach and she kicked him. He jumped back with a weird look on his face looking at my was really funny!!! 

The weight gain has begun too. Last week I had gained 5 lbs. I've gained 8 so far which is good considering I am 5.5 months!!! Over the past week my hips have started widening because I can feel the skin stretching and my undies cut into me now. The skin on my stomach has started stretching too but I am keeping bathed in lotion so hopefully no stretch marks will appear.

I got Andi's bedding and it is gorgeous!!! We just need the crib which we will hopefully get soon. I have narrowed it down to 2, one at Babies R Us and the other at Target. I am going to get the matching changing table as well. The pics are below.
 I am leaning more to the last two in the dark cherry. The cribs both convert into toddler/full beds which is good. Either way they are going to be about the same price.

Barbara( mother-in-law) and I went to Babies R Us yesterday and everything is SOOOO overwhelming. I have been doing a lot of research on products and I just don't know on some, especially strollers. I think Matt and I are just getting the crib, changing table, and possibly a chair. We will register for everything else. 

As for baby clothing, Andi is clothes poor now. Barbara has stock piled us with clothes from yard sales. They are in good condition, a lot of new things that are ADORABLE. So far 3 tubs full you will see below. We are running out of room. She is making a clothing store in her basement so as of now I am only keeping up to 12 months then I will switch out. 
All of the drawers are full in the armoire. Now I am having to hang I mention Andi is the first grandchild on both sides of mine and Matt's family. She is going to be SPOILED ROTTEN!!!
As for new clothing, I couldn't help myself at work. Since I work at Dillards, they have pretty good sales at the end of each month. In July they had an additional 30% off marked down clothes plus my discount. I was able to get 18 brand new, pricey clothes for $4/each!!! AMAZING. Here is the problem....the pictures below show how my mom dressed me growing up, keep in mind I was a MAJOR tomboy. She dressed me like a little pageant princess and I hated it, however when we got pictures done, I was a ham!!!!
This is what it was like on days before church. Notice the thrilled expression!
Once my parents weren't looking, this is what would happen....FREEDOM!!!
I have my Sunday school purse, ready to go!!! I swore to myself growing up that I would never dress my daughter in all the frills...let her decide. Well, I guess I won't be standing by my words because the frills are the cutest and hard to resist!!! These are just a few of what I bought, some of my favorites. I did get some frilly dresses but they will be seen later.
The bottoms are absolutely adorable...ruffle butts!!!
One of the reasons I didn't want a girl, besides the drama in later years, was because I knew how much would be spent on her. It's already adding up!!!
I tried to not buy so much pink for the sake of Matt. However, Barbara out did me. We have gotten a lot of camo stuff since Andi is going to be a hunter/bow shooter like her dad. I did get her this outfit on behalf of Matt:-)
We can't wait until she is here and she is already getting spoiled while still inside the womb. Only 3.5 more months to go and our lives will FOREVER be changed, for the best!!!

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