All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Monday, May 14, 2012

It's Official !!!

We are now announcing Baby Maness to those who haven't heard the news! He/she will be here around Dec. 11th!! We are super EXCITED!!!!
The neatest thing was seeing its heartbeat. It had a strong, fast beat!! We were able to see it's eyes, nose, mouth, chin, arms, and apparently high cheek bones!! Only 10 more weeks and we will know the gender!! I have a feeling it is a boy, which I am wanting. My husband is leaning more towards a girl.
 The pregnancy hasn't been too bad other than the nausea from enhanced sense of smell. I was really tired at the beginning but my energy is coming back. I haven't been able to eat very healthy. In the beginning I craved Salads and Spinach, now I can't stand the smell of cooking vegetables. All I want is salty foods, vinegar, pickle juice. I used to be a chocoholic and now I can't eat sweets. Hopefully this subsides soon, so I can get back to eating somewhat healthy.

I was a little upset due to my insurance changing providers. I have always used Cox and right in the middle they changed to Mercy. I think it was a blessing, because I have not only heard high recommendations about the doctors and labor/delivery...the service is much better:-)

My husband handled the visit rather well. I am worried about how he is going to handle labor. He gets nauseous/light headed at the sight of human blood and needles. It baffles me because he hunts and cleans the's just something about human blood and bruising.

It was heart-warming to see him so excited and calling people after the visit. We still can't believe we are having a baby!!! There are a lot of classes I have to take, the Lamaze being the longest, 6 weeks. They offer a grandparents class which is neat and some other interesting ones. This is definitely going to change our lives for the best and we can't wait until December 11th is here!!!

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