All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Memorial Day

Luckily Memorial Day fell on my day off so we could have a family outing/picnic. We were thinking of going to Alley Springs but a 3 hour drive would have been a nightmare with a restless child so we went fishing out at Matt's uncle's place. He has a really nice, stocked pond with docks. Andi got to try out her new fishing pole but wasn't that interested. She mainly liked feeding the fish which was a chore keeping her away from the dock.

She was throwing left-handed but Matt changed her hands. He wants her to be

Matt caught some fish but he released them, the big catch of the day or shall I say kill was snakes. Matt beat to death a big snake that was mating. I was across the bank and heard a loud smacking noise. He was beating the ground with a stick then I saw the snakes.
It was a nice day which ended early because of rain. We will have to do it again sometime.

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