All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Camera Roll

Here are some pics that we have taken since my last post. You will see how much she has grown. She is really saying a lot of words now and mimics us and animals often. We are still having a problem with her eating dog food. I will be glad when she outgrows this stage!
Her hair has gotten long enough we can put it in a pony:-)
Matt and his mom, sister, and Cassie planted a family garden, which Andi likes to visit.
Andi and her love of cats. She makes the cutest "meow" sound. We have worked with her on animal sounds so when she sees the animal, she makes the sound.

Memorial Day

Luckily Memorial Day fell on my day off so we could have a family outing/picnic. We were thinking of going to Alley Springs but a 3 hour drive would have been a nightmare with a restless child so we went fishing out at Matt's uncle's place. He has a really nice, stocked pond with docks. Andi got to try out her new fishing pole but wasn't that interested. She mainly liked feeding the fish which was a chore keeping her away from the dock.

She was throwing left-handed but Matt changed her hands. He wants her to be

Matt caught some fish but he released them, the big catch of the day or shall I say kill was snakes. Matt beat to death a big snake that was mating. I was across the bank and heard a loud smacking noise. He was beating the ground with a stick then I saw the snakes.
It was a nice day which ended early because of rain. We will have to do it again sometime.

Park Day

It has been over a month since my last post and I have fallen behind. In May, Christie and I took Andi to the park and she enjoyed it. She has gotten over her phase of being scared of things...thank goodness:-)

We haven't been back yet since it has been raining a lot lately. One of these days we will go again.