All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Thursday, January 23, 2014

A Long Time Coming

This past week Andi and I visited my best friend, Jenna! It has been over a year since we saw each other. The last time she had visited me in the hospital when I just had Andi. What a difference a year makes! Andi got to interact with her little boy, Sawyer who is 4. Andi is so tiny. 

A lady that works next to Jenna has a huge Mastiff that Andi got to pet. He was very friendly and Andi was excited about it!

Also unexpectedly she gave Jenna some loving. She really liked her a lot!Jenna has been going through a lot lately so a prayer for her and her family would be appreciated.

As for the past month with Andi, she has become a handful. We are starting to experience the terrible two's with her tantrums. She will go stiff as a board where you can't do a thing with her. Any little thing can set her off. She has regressed in her sleeping. She  has been waking at 3:46am lately, right on the dot. She will have a wet diaper and then want to play for an hour. I don't have the patience, I just want to sleep. On a good note, she has been getting our attention when her diaper is wet and when we ask if it needs to be changed she will run to her changing table and pull open the diaper drawer. She is very smart! We have slowly begun potty training her. She has been a nightmare when it comes to changing her diaper because she will NOT lay down, thank goodness for pull ups. Another fiasco we have been having is the litter box and dog food. She is constantly getting in them. She watches us scoop the litter box out so she is constantly trying to get the scooper and put it in the bucket. She loves to play in and eat both dry and wet dog food. Most days I end up getting a headache telling her no and hearing her scream and lay on the floor. Yes, Matt and I are getting paid back for our tantrums. She usually is really good in public but now when we go grocery shopping she wants to walk instead of be in the buggy. That is a problem because she takes off running, not knowing where she is going.

The weather hasn't been warm enough to go outside a lot but we have had a couple of nice days and we took Andi outside. This has been the first time she has been outside since she has been walking. Oh what a blast. She loves to run and not She loves ditches and leaves. 

The great thing is about 30 minutes and she is ready to come in and she sleeps like a rock! The first time we took her out, I took her in too early and she threw a tantrum. Then later that night whenever Matt would say "outside" for the dogs, she would grab her coat and try to put it on. We have also been playing kickball. She knows what throw and kick is. It is crazy how smart she is. When she hands you things, she says here. It is amazing how much she understands. She knows what all the animals names are at all the houses she goes to and she loves to waller them.
She does a weird thing, she will stick her finger down her throat and gag herself until she makes a puking sound. She thinks it's funny and walks around doing it. It is hard not to laugh about it. I got her right at the end of her doing it. 
Another thing she loves is books! Not just to read but to pile up!

One of the tantrums she throws now is about being in the fridge. She loves to get the syrup bottle and chew on it while she sits on the ledge. 

She likes to get brooms and dustpans and clean. Well, at least tries to:-)

Even though she likes to make messes and throw tantrums, I am pretty in love with her:-)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Farewell to 2013

What a year! We got to watch Andi grow from a baby to a toddler! That was an amazing experience. Here are some pics to show how she changed over the months!

She is tiny. When I let her run naked it is hard to believe how small she is. At her check-up last month she weighed 19.10oz and 29 inches. We think since she goes non-stop, she burns everything she eats. 
This past year has flown by and it is hard to believe that I am almost 29! It really does seem the older you get, the faster the years fly. I think I have learned the most this past year about myself than I ever knew was possible, as a mother and a wife. Having a child definitely changes everything and communication is the key factor in keeping things going smoothly. We have definitely have had our challenges this year as a couple but I think we are stronger than ever. We can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for us and watching miss Andi continue to grow and discover!