All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Turkey Day

Yes, Thanksgiving has been over for two weeks now and I am just getting to this post. Andi had a great 1st Thanksgiving. I actually dressed her in a dress, surprise! She really enjoyed the turkey and green beans, especially eating at the table with everyone as well. The child will eat anything. She likes pickles!

You often hear about those weird family is one for ya!

 I will definitely say the turkey kicked in quick with her because she was out in no time!
Now I have added some pics around the house. Look at how much she has grown!

She is really getting an ATTITUDE! Whenever she gets in trouble now she talks back to me in her language, points at me, and sometimes runs and gives me a kiss. She is becoming a little manipulator lol. She is showing signs of the terrible two's which will probably start in about 6 months.

Her birthday was a success, a lot of fun. I will have that post soon!

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