All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Monday, November 18, 2013

Andi's First Toy Box

I had posted before she was born about getting her a high chair made. I went to Wood You Furniture in Springfield around October of last year to put in my order. They said it would be done around January. Well January came and it wasn't finished due to government regulations so then they said May. May came and went and then they said September. When September came they said their manufacturer had discontinued making them. 

I had bought a strap-in booster seat for her in April when we started feeding her. Anyway, a year later and no high chair. I wasn't very happy and it wasn't cheap. I had been thinking that I needed to get Andi a toy box since I keep her toys in a diaper box. They gave me the biggest one they had which was $100 more than the high chair for the hassle it had been. I was THRILLED!!! They stained it and everything. I just got it this week and it looks great! Andi loves it too!
She has to make sure it is beatable!

The best thing is it will last forever and she will be able to pass it down to her children. That is my goal with each child we have to have something made for them that they can have as a keepsake and pass down.
As I posted before, she gets into everything! Here is a camera roll of what goes on ALL-THE-TIME.

She gets into my make-up and carries it around. She broke a BBQ sauce bottle and it went all over her and the floor then she thought she had to stomp it. Last night Matt put a drawer catch on our sofa table and she came by to pull it open and he said" Let's test it out" She pulled it right open, it was quite funny. She is strong but we also need better

As for her milestones:  I think Andi is ready to start potty training. When she has just peed her diaper, she will bring us her wipes or a diaper. She has done it several times so I don't think it is a coincidence!

She has also been playing copycat a lot! She will watch what we are doing and mimic it. She also figured out how to call Matt on my phone. We were talking one day and she was roaming around and apparently got my phone which has a lock screen then a home page. The next thing we know, Matt's phone started ringing  and here she comes holding my phone. He said I was calling him which it was actually Andi. We still don't know how she did it.

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