All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Friday, August 23, 2013

Finally Got It On Video!

So I finally got her saying Mama on video! Matt likes to remind me that she said Dada first. The amazing thing is that she will repeat it when you say it. She will do this with whatever she is saying. She is a bright, little girl:-)
She has started taking a couple steps by herself now and lets go from furniture for about 5 seconds now. She has become interested in plug-ins which is bad and cords. She doesn't like her walker much anymore since she can get into places easier crawling. I guess she feels too restricted in her walker. Now her thing to do is crawl under it.

 She has started insisting she hold her sippy and tries to hold her bottle. She likes to feed herself  as well which makes for a HUGE mess especially with her favorite, spaghetti. It is amazing how much she can eat! She will literally eat all day if you let her. Her tummy will get to pooching really big. I am so thankful that she likes everything and isn't picky! 

We had to start having her wear toddler bibs that go over her head because she will pull off the velcro ones. They became too much of a distraction because she would be pulling at it the whole time.She is becoming a little person too fast!
I am hoping that she pops a lot of teeth soon because she is constantly teething and she will do a high-pitched scream in the middle of the night while she sleeps. Matt and I both had teeth at 7 months so she is a late bloomer. 
She has been sleeping through the night finally but I do have to get up sometimes to put her pacifier in because she has lost it and will be sitting up in her crib still asleep but crying. So I pop it in and lye her back down.
Aunt Christie got her some Pumas which are so cute! I love them and Andi doesn't mind wearing them. Got to get her used to shoes now.
Her new thing is to bang on the door, wanting outside. She is as bad as the dogs. She loves to be outside with her daddy!

The funniest thing she has started doing is playing opossum. If she hears a growl or clearing your throat, she will stop whatever she is doing and get really still and lay her head down. It is the funniest thing. It is like she is thinking if she doesn't move it won't get! 

She has also started laying her head down when she is getting sleepy, or will just lay on the floor.
She has started telling stories in her language using hand gestures and everything. It is quite amusing and she will tell the same story and use the same actions later in the day as well. I definitely need to get it on video!

Only 3.5 more months until she is the big 1. She won't have another Dr. appointment until she is 10 months. I can't wait to see what her stats will be then!

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