All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Matthew's First Father's Day!

Unfortunately I wasn't able to take part in his first father's day because I worked. But apparently they had a great time celebrating with his dad. Andi and I got him an engraved pocket knife. It turned out really well. I love them two more than words can express! They are my whole world!

She has become soooo attached to Christie that she throws a fit when we leave. They are definitely close!

It is impossible to have a dry night. Every morning she wakes up in a puddle. I have tried several different diapers and none of them hold her pee. She has been drinking A LOT of water lately and I think that is the culprit. She loves water and of course her milk.
 We now take a bath every morning because she is soaked all the way up to her neck.

 She loves her rubber duckies!! 

 She watches you very closely when you start touching them. I don't think she likes it.
She absolutely loves her blocks! She gets the biggest kick out of them. She has also started getting up on all fours and rocking so just a matter of time and she should be crawling.

I had to raise her walker because she is a growing weed! She has really gotten fast in it and likes to run over your toes. She thinks it is funny when you squeal from the pain!

Everything she comes across it goes straight to her mouth! Last night she was trying to eat her swing!

I love this little girl more than I ever thought possible and the older she gets, the more I fall!

Her and her daddy are very close. She likes to help him pack for the work week.

They have there very own game they play, which is absolutely precious!

1 comment:

  1. That love will keep growing stronger than you ever thought possible! She is so beautiful!
