All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Matthew's First Father's Day!

Unfortunately I wasn't able to take part in his first father's day because I worked. But apparently they had a great time celebrating with his dad. Andi and I got him an engraved pocket knife. It turned out really well. I love them two more than words can express! They are my whole world!

She has become soooo attached to Christie that she throws a fit when we leave. They are definitely close!

It is impossible to have a dry night. Every morning she wakes up in a puddle. I have tried several different diapers and none of them hold her pee. She has been drinking A LOT of water lately and I think that is the culprit. She loves water and of course her milk.
 We now take a bath every morning because she is soaked all the way up to her neck.

 She loves her rubber duckies!! 

 She watches you very closely when you start touching them. I don't think she likes it.
She absolutely loves her blocks! She gets the biggest kick out of them. She has also started getting up on all fours and rocking so just a matter of time and she should be crawling.

I had to raise her walker because she is a growing weed! She has really gotten fast in it and likes to run over your toes. She thinks it is funny when you squeal from the pain!

Everything she comes across it goes straight to her mouth! Last night she was trying to eat her swing!

I love this little girl more than I ever thought possible and the older she gets, the more I fall!

Her and her daddy are very close. She likes to help him pack for the work week.

They have there very own game they play, which is absolutely precious!

Friday, June 7, 2013

6 Months to a Year

Andi Faye Maness, it saddens me that you are already 6 months. Where did the time go. What is sad is that I am already thinking about your 1st b-day and getting it planned. Yes, I like to plan things way ahead! She is becoming a little person, one that definitely has a temper and likes to go, go, go! I have put a lot of videos in this post of her doing different things.

She loves her Aunt Kissy( Christie). Yesterday she would grab her face and stretch her cheeks and giggle. It was really funny! She thinks that causing pain is funny now. I guess we have entered that stage. She definitely has an ornery side to her!

She has started eating animal crackers and some veggie munchies. She basically just sucks on them. She gags when she eats green veggies, just like her She likes ranch dressing, BBQ sauce, and loves chocolate. Which doesn't surprise me because she is my She is eating meats now. She loves Chicken and Vegetables and Chicken and Rice. She reminds me of a little bird wanting more with her mouth open. We have started feeding her water and juice from a sippy cup as well and she really likes it too! Her new diet has made her diapers more nastier/rank too. We are back to the blow outs up the back again. Poor Matt gags when he changes her which sometimes makes her cry!

I have a problem with taking toooooo many pictures!!! There are about 7 more to this series. She went and visited my parents for the day. I made sure she had her sun hat since it was a warm one.

 She has started running in her walker now, all over the house. She follows me in it and will come to me when I say her name. She also follows the dogs the most. Poor guys, they are going to be so annoyed when she starts walking/crawling, which ever comes first. She has started running over my feet in her walker or tries to trip me. I taped her some here. She doesn't act like her normal self when she is getting video taped, but you kind of get a glimpse.

I had her on the floor the other night, wish I had gotten a video! She was in between Sam and JuJu and would roll over and pet Sam then squeal, roll over and pet JuJu and squeal. She did it for about 5 minutes. She started grabbing hunks of their meat and pinching later but that didn't bother Sam. JuJu got up and left. They didn't get mad at her though. Here is a pic of her trying to get JuJu.  She has started recognizing the word, doggy. You say it and she looks until she finds one.

She has kind of started to crawl. It is like an army crawl, she does it most on the bed. She definitely gets around on her back by lifting her butt. She does it so much it looks like she is doing butt lift

She has started being able to sit up on her own. She is still a little wobbly though. She will do a hand jerk and topple over. The video below is not very good. It was hard to film her and keep her from falling. She falls twice but it scared me more than her. She is on padding so she wasn't hurt.

She is about to grow out of her car seat. The straps are getting too tight on her, especially trying to buckle the bottom. They aren't long enough!

She likes to hang out in her diaper, naked would be her preverance. I usually just feed her in her diaper because she makes a huge mess that usually gets on me too!

 As you can tell she is going to keep those pretty blue eyes of her dads. There isn't any streaks in them. Her hair is getting blonder too. She is going to probably be white headed like Matt and I were when we were kids. She has also learned her name too!

Now, lets talk about her TEMPER! I can see in a few years she will be in the middle of the store kicking and screaming because she didn't get what she wanted! Yes, it is beginning, Matt and I are getting our pay back. If you do something she does not like she lets you know immediately!! What gets her mad the most is making her go to sleep. She just wants to go, go, go and she will be rubbing her eyes to the point her whole face is red and will refuse to sleep. There have been days she has only taken one nap. Then you think she would crash at night, not the case. Within the past month she refuses to take naps and FIGHTS you to go to sleep. It has been taking me 1.5 hours to get her to go to sleep at night. One night I had it and laid her in her bed. She would cry a little ( fake cry) then after 5 minutes she was screaming bloody murder. I let her do it for about 10 minutes and she was just getting madder so I went in there to find her in a fetal position, hands grabing her hair and screaming, almost blue! I don't do that anymore! Some nights she will wake at 1am and not go to sleep until 5 or 6. This past month has definitely been a bad month for her sleep cycle. A lot of times she will be passed out hard and just start screaming because she has a wet diaper! I have said before, she HATES a wet diaper. The good side is that she should be easy to potty train!

She grabs everything now, especially my glasses. She likes my phone too as you can see in this pic.

She has to be really tired to be put in her swing otherwise she wants to be moving. She mainly wants to be in her walker all of the time. She really likes to walk when you hold her by the arms too. If you pick her up after having her down, she will continue to kick! Didn't I mention long ago how she constantly kicked me in the womb, well it has only gotten harder and more often. She loves to KICK and keep her legs moving. I have watched other babies her age and even older and they are not as active as she is. She can't stay sitting on your lap long, she wants to be doing her own thing. She is a FREE SPIRIT! Matt said he couldn't wait until she starts walking because that is when it is his time to shine since he likes to go, go, go too...well he better be ready cause she is going to be running everywhere!!!

Notice her feet on Cassie, blurred because she is kicking!

Something she has started doing now before she falls asleep is sing. I guess it is because I sing to her at night but this will be before naps as well. She will start singing with me and sometimes it is actually in harmony. I am going to get a video of it one day when I remember to have my phone with me. It is precious. 

Now, the joy of postpartum. I heard that my hair would start to fall out around 6 months postpartum, I just wasn't ready for what I was going to see. I literally have handfuls of hair a day. I don't have any bald spots they say it is from you not shedding any while you are pregnant. 

I am also still having withdrawals from the feeling of a baby inside me. I guess cause Andi was soooo active I was used to her constant movement and I miss it. I really is a miracle how it all starts from a sperm and an egg and evolves into a baby. It really amazes me!

My mom and I will be flying to Texas for my side of the family to meet Andi. I am a little scared flying with her. I have no idea what kind of mood she is going to be in. Thankfully it is only 1.5 hr flight. I can't wait to see them and see what a character Andi is! They are going to love her!