All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Thursday, May 30, 2013

My First Mother's Day

I know I am a little late but I have been working A LOT and haven't had much time to get on here. Mother's Day was a nice day however, I was working that day. I did get two really nice presents from Matt and Andi!! Matt planted flowers for me beside our house! It was very sweet of him and he also got me a necklace/locket with Andi's picture! I didn't expect this and was totally surprised!!! He is a sweetie!!!

All of the rain recently has made our rose bushes bloom wonderfully! I am so glad that warmer weather is finally here!

I had said in my last post that I would post pictures of Andi's room so here they are:

When Andi wakes in the morning she likes to look at the pictures of Matt and I when we were her size. She also LOVES books!!! She started to like them about 2 months ago. No one could believe that she would pay attention to the pages when you read to her until they tried it. They thought she was to young. We have a smart girl:-)

The nursery turned out very well. It is the most peaceful, relaxing place in the house. It isn't very big, but works for now.

 Sometimes she falls asleep like this! She enjoys her fingers and sometimes her fist.

 Then she wakes up happy!

 Sometimes we have to be a girly girl, so tutus are a must! She likes lift her dresses up and put them in her mouth.

 She enjoys going to Wal-Mart and picking out toys. Here she chose a purple monkey. She really likes to roll around on the ground with it.
She loves her pal, Tiger! They have a play date every morning.

She has become interested in phones. She loves to grab at them anytime she sees it!

She has really started liking baths now. She likes to splash in the water whether she is in the sink or the big bath tub!

I have been saying she is going to walk before she crawls since she started pulling up at 5.5 months. Here is a video. It was a little hard trying to tape her and be there to catch her as well. I am not helping her stand, she is doing it all on her own. 
Now when she is placed on the seat, she doesn't care about using the piano to stand. She will stand straight up and then fall.

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