All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Friday, October 12, 2012

8 More Weeks and Then I Can Breathe!

Well the baby is out of room, says the doc. She has grown up under my breast bone which means her feet stay in my ribs and breast bone. This results in me not being able to breathe. She is soooo high. The doc says now I will start growing out.
In my recent post, I talked about how people kept saying I am small and I totally did not agree. Well now I do. After going to these classes with Matt and being around other pregos that are the same weeks, I am much smaller. Even Matt couldn't believe how much smaller I am in comparison. I am glad I am pretty much all belly, so then the weight will come off A LOT easier! 

Over the past couple of weeks I have had the worst pain due to my sciatic nerve on my right side. It got to the point I could barely roll over in bed. In the middle of the night my hip would freeze up and I wouldn't hardly be able to walk. Luckily, the baby moved off of it the other day. Matt bought me a prenatal massage and it was AWESOME!!! The masseuse was gentle but relieved a lot of pressure and it didn't hurt. I know Matt means well, but he bares down and it hurts!!! She also couldn't believe I was 8 months. She thought 6.
As of now, the only discomfort I am having is feet in the ribs and the massive ball of pressure in my stomach. I have to sit up really straight--hard back chair and stand like I am a puppet on a string. Other than that, this has been a great pregnancy and I hope labor and delivery is the same. Many prayers have been said so hopefully my worries will be just worries.

My biggest worry right now is the cord around the baby's neck. That is a huge fear of mine. She moves around soooo much, I'm scared about that and when she starts moving down the birth canal. She is over 4lbs now and hiccups multiple times during the day. She is really growing!!!! We can't wait to meet her and see what she looks likes, who she will favor, and how she will be. The anticipation is making us inpatient!!! 

Another prayer was answered as well. We have a babysitter for Mondays and Tuesdays!!! We are soooooo happy that Matt's sister, Christie has said she would do it!!!! This is exactly what we were hoping!!! She will be wonderful with Andi and we get to keep the baby in the family!!!! 

Onto a different subject. Talk about irony. Last Sunday I was talking to Matt, wondering what happened to the case of my stolen wallet from last year. They were suppose to have trial for the guy in May and never heard anything. Well Wednesday I got a subpoena and I have to testify. They originally had the wrong guy but I looked up his mugshot and the one they have now is the one. I really don't want to go to court. It is going to STRESS ME OUT!!!! Oh well, he used $3000 of mine, so I am definitely going to press charges. Oct 29th is the day and they have him for 8 different charges. It says that I might have to appear for future!! Oh well, hopefully it goes well.

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