All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Monday, June 25, 2012

A Working Progress

We have started on the baby nursery and it is turning out so well!!! I decided to do the same theme as the rest of the house, primitive country. Although rather than burgundy and brown, we are doing greens and yellows. We have torn the carpet out and will be replacing it in a couple of weeks. It is going to be a cream/tan color which will go well with the decor. The pictures show the process...
I absolutely love the border. They are of antique chairs with different scenes in the background. One of the chairs is on a rug with ABC's!!! 

 The colors have turned out really well. I have found the baby bedding I am going to use if it is a girl or boy. If it is a girl, we will do victorian flowers in light pink, yellows, and greens!

If a boy, I am tossed between two sets. We will play out the burgundy, green, tan, and blue.
As of today I am 16 weeks!!! Yay, just 5 more months!!!  I seem to be getting more clumsy. I fell at work in front of a customer. It was very embarrassing but funny at the same time. I can't bend over without losing my balance. I would like to be more graceful just so I can stop getting

I really haven't had any weird cravings, however, I have become addicted to Memory Lane, Whole Chocolate Milk. This is a bad addiction because it will put the weight on me especially drinking a gallon a day. The weird thing is that I am not a big milk drinker.
Only 3 more weeks and we will know what we are having!!! I am so excited!!! We will be having a gender reveal party with the family!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

What Old Wives Say.....

Our baby is a little bit bigger than a lemon now. Yay!! The best part is I am back to my normal self with a horrible appetite. The amount of food I want to consume and do consume if not careful, isn't good. Luckily I haven't gained weight, but I am sure that is going to be short lived.

I went to my monthly check-up today and had a major blonde moment. Given, I haven't done this before and my nurse just leaves me in the dark about things. I am not a big fan of her. She knows her job real well and forgets I am a first-timer, so I am not on the same thinking path as her. Today she took my blood pressure, weight, and she said " The last thing we will do today is a urine sample." Okay, to me that means that is it. After I did my business, she was gone so I thought I am supposed to leave. I set my appointment up for next time and left to go shopping for maternity clothes. I soon get a call from her asking if I am ok. Yes, why? Apparently, I was suppose to see the

So I go back and explain. The nurse thought I was in the bathroom for 20 min until the dr. said to knock and find, I was gone! The doctor thought it was funny, I was embarrassed. The good thing that came out of it was I got to hear the heart beat which sounded like a train!!!! It was neat.I tend to feel the baby move more at night, especially when the dogs or Matt lays his arm on my stomach. It's like a mass of bubbles swim across my stomach. Even though I am showing some, and outgrowing my clothes, I still have my moments: Am I really pregnant???!!!

July 19th is the big day for Matt and I. We will FINALLY get to know what we are having!!! We are hoping boy, people think that is what I am having, Matt's mom has even bought boy I hope we have a boy. Let's see what the old wives say and how I match up. Green highlight equals TRUE.

Consider the Mother’s age at conception and the year or conception.
Both even or Both odd: Girl
One is even and one is odd: Boy

Has the husband put on weight during the pregnancy?
Yes: Girl
No: Boy

During the pregnancy, have you been clumsy or graceful?
Clumsy: Boy
Graceful: Girl

Show me your hands.
Shows them palms up: Girl
Shows them palms down: Boy

Which side do you lay on when resting:
Left: Boy
Right: Girl

Is the heartbeat high or low:
High: Girl
Low: Boy

Do you crave sweet foods or sour/salty foods?
Salty/Sour: Boy
Sweet: Girl

Who was more aggressive at the time of conception?
Husband: Girl
Wife: Boy

Which breast is bigger during pregnancy?
Left: Boy
Right: Girl

Hands Chapped/Dry or Softer?
Chapped: Boy--As well as face and lips( UGH!)
Softer: Girl

Do you crave the heals of bread or the middle?
Heals: Boy
Middle: Girl

Eating more or sick/nauseated?
Eating more: Boy
Sick: Girl

Can people tell you are pregnant from the back?  Or are you pregnant all over?
Just from back:  Boy ( This one is hard to hips have spread so maybe from my
All over: Girl

Out of 13

11 equal BOY
2 equal GIRL

Let's hope these are right!!!! We'll see in a MONTH!!!!