All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

It's That Time Again!


 We have been having nice weather lately. Days have been sunny and in the 70's which have been nice to be outside. We took Ben and Andi to the park. She has developed the sense of fear. Last year she liked going down the slide and swinging, this time not so much. Aunt Christie had to be her support. We were lucky enough that Matt was able to make it too!

 I cut my hair off, and love it! Ben is a projectile spitter upper.

Had to post a video of Ben cooing! He was really getting loud!

2 Month Growth Spurt

I would have posted sooner but my computer crashed and I had to buy another one. Happy birthday to me. I can't believe I am 30 although it is just another day. I will say that my 20's served me well. I am thankful I found Matt and we have two beautiful children. I think my 30's will be awesome because I will get to gain memories with our children watching them grow.

As for Ben, we have a Hercules on our He had his 2 month check-up on the 13th. He weighed 13.6 lbs and 23.5 inches long. He is wearing 6 month onezies and 3-6 month clothes. He is the size of a 3-4 month old. He has gotten chubby too. He is over half of Andi's weight and height. He will outgrow her by the time he is 1.

He has really started cooing and smiling a lot. He is really responsive to me. He just locks eyes with me and it melts my heart. He enjoys bath time as well now, he just coos the whole time. I love him soooo much. We have developed a very strong bond thanks to nursing him, that is evident with everyone. He doesn't let family hold him very long and gets fussy. He has gotten better when I put him down but it doesn't last long. He has to be held pretty much all day. He is definitely a mama's boy! Thankfully he sleeps well at night. Last night he slept for 8 hours, ate for 10 minutes, then slept another 3 hours!!! Best yet!

Things have been better this month. Andi has started minding me a lot better. Sometimes she has her moments but all-in-all, things have gotten better.

In my last post I had mentioned getting an MRI. Well, I am going to be having knee surgery sometime soon. I tore my meniscus. I have an appointment tomorrow with a knee specialist. I can't believe it! I have had a run of bad luck here lately. My identity got stolen, I found out from our tax lady. Apparently someone turned taxes in under my social. Luckily they hadn't tried opening credit under it. Then two weeks ago I had placed Ben in his swing when he was asleep. I didn't strap him in because I was just going to run into the other room and be back. I came back in right when he fell out and hit the back of his head on the floor. Luckily he didn't cry just whimpered and it didn't leave a rec mark either, thank GOD. I was so upset and kept monitoring him but he was just fine. Then last week I was cooking and Andi likes to sit on the counter and watch. She has done it several times before. I told her not to touch the stove. She saw the steam coming up from the burner, she said hot and then touched the burner with two fingers. She just looked at me for a couple of seconds and then the hellacious cry started and lasted for 2 hours. I couldn't believe she did it after I told her not too and she even said herself it was hot. Then again, I forget she is a toddler and her reasoning isn't quite developed yet. She kept holding her fingers out saying finger hurt. We put Aloe Vera on them and had her keep her fingers on ice. We found out that she is not going to be very tough since that was the first time she has been hurt. She kept wanting us to keep kissing her fingers lol. After her crying spell, she started pulling my hair and giggling. Thankfully that was over with. Her fingers did blister, and I think she learned her lesson. I don't let her on the counter anymore either. 

One thing that is evident with Ben and Andi, they are going to have a strong bond. They both adore each other. Andi loves to entertain him and he just smiles and coos at her. It is really precious. She helps keep him occupied when I am trying to get things done. She loves to lye on his play mat with him and do tummy time. I am anxious to watch them both grow up together. I am sure there will be fights but their relationship will be special to witness.