All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Thursday, February 19, 2015

1 Month, Already?!

It has been a little over a month and I haven't had time to get on here. It has been a major adjustment for me trying to handle having two kids, and I am a bit frazzled. Andi has tried my patience so much and I am trying to get things under control with her. She is by far the most strong-willed child I have ever seen. Ben has been a wonderful baby. He has been easy-peasy, I just wish Andi was the same. We have our good days, but mainly bad days outnumber them. I have been reading literature on how to handle a newborn and a toddler and trying to incorporate the advice they give. What they suggest works, but she seems to be the wildest when I am feeding him. There are times I want to go back to work to escape the chaos. 

I will move on to more pleasant news. Ben is growing like a weed. He can wear some 3-6 months, but he is mainly in 0-3 and 3 month. He eats constantly. I am very thankful I am able to nurse him because I prayed about having that opportunity with him since Andi didn't want nothing to do with it. I got my prayer answered, I just didn't know how restricting it would be. I literally stay stationary all day. He eats every 1.5-2hrs. I can't get anything done. Thankfully Matt is a wonderful husband because he has been doing the cooking and cleaning. Ben doesn't take from a bottle real well, but he is going to have to once I go back to work. He doesn't take a pacifier real well either. He and Andi are complete opposite as babies. I am thankful he is as easy as he is. He literally wakes, change his diaper, feed him, and he goes back to sleep. Sometimes he stays awake for an hour twice a day. He sleeps good at night, eating every 2-3 hours. The only thing that I would change is how much he spits up. I stay covered in spit up and breast milk all the time. It doesn't matter how many showers or times I change my clothes, I still smell like soured milk. I still haven't quite gotten the hang of changing his diaper. I have been sprayed in the mouth and peed on countless times. His bag of jewels are also quite large for his size, which makes it hard to clean. That is one thing his daddy is awfully proud He is staring to coo, which is cute. He is really strong and holds his head up really well. 

Next Monday I have an MRI scheduled. I injured my knee 2 weeks ago squatting down with Ben. When I stood up it snapped, crackled, popped and has been swollen since. It hurts on the side of my knee and wants to give out when I turn or cross my foot over my other. I think I probably sprained it or something. Probably soft tissue damage. So having that going on has made it hard getting up and down too.

Now I will talk about Andi. She can count to 10, we are working on her abc's and she is getting them down. She was potty trained but has regressed to peeing in her pants. She will poop in her potty and when she runs around naked she will use her potty. Whenever she is clothed though, she will pee in her pants. She goes around calling herself a baby and wants to be rocked and tries to wear Ben's diapers. She loves her baby brother though. She is all about him. She is constantly getting his clothes and trying to put them on. She helps me with him like changing his diaper and getting me towels when he spits up, or his pacifier. She loves to hug and kiss him too. I hope and I think they will have a wonderful bond.

 She is constantly picking her nose these days.

She has been getting into my makeup and skin creams. She will come running through the house with it all on her face while I am feeding Ben, of course! It is one thing after another with her and she can make sooooo many messes! The pic is a little blurry but she has lipstick all over her hands and face. She eats it as well as lotion. She is into EVERYTHING!!!!!

We had quite a bit of snow this past week and Andi got to play in it. We got her snow suit out from last year that hadn't been used. It is a 12 month. The pants fit but the jacket was too small. Anyway, she loved the snow!

Ben's 2 month appointment is March 13th. We think he will be close to 12 pounds and he has grown a lot length wise as well. He has almost outgrown his bassinet. He is definitely going to pass Andi up pretty soon.